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Inspirational cover quote ideas for your journal

Words have healing power and I always write to inspire. That’s why this time I chose the theme – Mindful journaling this April in Blogchatter’s AtoZ.

When you start journaling, a thought that comes in mind which notebook,  which app to choose.
Then we look for a notebook. I feel the notebook having the words on cover with which you can immediately connect,  you choose that. If not , create a cover of your choice !

I found a perfect quote for your journal cover. You are feel free to write quotes weekly or monthly in your journal.
I love writing quotes by myself on my insta page which is inspired by what all is happening in our lives and around us.

I am a kind of person who immediately get connected with the words that resonate with my mental status at that time. I think that’s why people love to put the WhatsApp status or immediately float those thoughts in their social media handles.

And I loved that thought that was shared on social media that There is a hidden message for someone when we share such quotes through our social media handles. That can be someone in the outside world or it can be your inner soul.

I think I getting bit serious about this world of words called Quotes.

Anyways,  I am going to share some wonderful quote ideas for your journal.Choose the one with which you can resonate and let me know in comment section. Let me know if I have touched the strings of your thoughts or not 😍

Quotes Ideas for  your Journal

This wonderful quotes is perfect to start a new. Anja has collect some of the best ideas for monthly quotes too. I personally like this which perfectly explains your journal writing therapy.

This quote by Shawn Mendes is perfectly describing my situation now. I was lagging behind my posts till yesterday. But I didn’t give up…simply because I didn’t want to .

inspired by Lia

Here is Vaishnavi’s Quote journal,  perfect for beginners.  Simple yet effective. You must take a look to see how see has crafted it .

Do check out how I weave my thoughts,  words to create a perfect quote , thinking it may bring change to someone’s life,  someday. And Don’t forget to subscribe my blog. I am sure you will love it.

Happy Journaling !

Love you all…..💞💞💞

This April I am participating in BlogchatterA2Z writing campaign.

A to Z of Mindful Journaling Series

A – All you need to start with Mindful Journaling– Part 1

B – Be flexible with your journal routine – Part 2

C – Converse with innerself to discover your best self Part 3

D – Doodling ideas part 4

E – Enjoy your Playlist ( Mood Booster Playlist ideas)

F – FLY @ first love Yourself ( self care ideas )

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sayali

    Love these 🙂

  2. Poonam

    Cleaning the messed up cupboard! Always makes me happy 😀

    I too love love quotes. They are like my saviour in tough times.

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