You are currently viewing Gratitude Journal as a part of Mindful journaling

Gratitude Journal as a part of Mindful journaling

There are so many things , so many people are around us who always keep us safe , inspired and help us to grow. We just need to open our heart and mind to acknowledge them. Express your Gratitude to all who has even a minute role in your life.

Lets write for Gratitude page in your mindful journal –

1. Write one word or one line in a day for a month to acknowledge and express your gratitude. I loved this idea of gratitude spreading warmth in our lives.

Source – etsy

2. Check out this simple template to express your gratitude which will surely change your negative mind to positive. The more you will be thankful,  the more you will feel blessed and happy.

source – love our minds

3. Choose the Gratitude theme for any one month and take the 30 day Gratitude challenge.  Enter few lines every day and see the change in yourself. Believe me it works.

By The confused Millennial mom

Happy Journaling !

Love you all…..πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

This April I am participating in BlogchatterA2Z writing campaign.

A to Z of Mindful Journaling Series

A – All you need to start with Mindful Journaling– Part 1

B – Be flexible with your journal routine – Part 2

C – Converse with innerself to discover your best self Part 3

D – Doodling ideas part 4

E – Enjoy your Playlist ( Mood Booster Playlist ideas)

F – FLY @ first love Yourself ( self care ideas )

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ramya DRozario

    This is something I’ve been trying to put in practice this year, but haven’t been able to wrap my head around it. I plan to try it for a week, then a month, and take this ahead. Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

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