One more Haiku to my collection.
Beautiful colours
Pretentious blooming around
All positive vibes
Let’s know more about haikus
“Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It’s that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that’s what the poet does.” — Allen Ginsberg, from Ginsberg, A Biography.
Haiku is a kind of Japanese poem which consists of three lines. It has a fixed structure and few rules to be followed. Haiku must have 5-7- 5 syllable structure. These are usually on nature. You can check the syllable count here easily. I learnt the haiku writing while blogging only.
Poetry is a world of words floating in the sea of imagination and one such form of poetry is Haiku. Let's get lost in the beauty of haikus through this post. #MyFriendAlexa #LifemarblesWrite @blogchatter Share on XThe interesting thing is when I was going through Maths book of NCERT class 5 grade , I found it there. I was so happy to introduce this interesting poetry to my young students. Even I was happy to discuss this with my co-teachers who were not aware of any such kind of poetry.
This proves that Learning never goes waste. Three years ago when I wrote my first Haiku – Leaf , I never thought that One day I will teach the same in my class.
“This October I am taking my blog to next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa challenge” . You can check out my previous year’s My friend alexa posts here !