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Give wings to your creative writing!

Life is a festival. Festival where we as a human being play with different colors of emotions.
Emotions like love, anger, sympathy, empathy, sadness appear like a ripple in water and disappear giving a way to new one. One needs to identify these emotions.
Emotions once identified, can be tamed.
Tamed emotions are like pet who follows your instructions and behave in an acceptable way. Way to happiness starts from here only. Only you are responsible for your happiness. Happiness can easily be created by following this path.
Path leading to eternal peace and happiness is in under our own control.
Control those unwanted and useless thoughts leading to depressing emotions and be the winner, a super master of your life !

Did you notice something special or different in the above paragraph? If not, read again once more!!

How this paragraph is different :

If you read the paragraph carefully, you will find every new line starts with a same words with which the previous line is ending. A paragraph is having a flow and meaning too. I wrote this small creative piece during an insta/Facebook challenge. Though I didn’t win( Everytime we don’t win, sometimes it is more learning), yet I enjoyed and worth sharing with you.

The writing challenge was organized by BTB – Beyond the Box , an page run by an Author and writer Anupma Dalmia.

Creative writing challenge,  my friend Alexa challenge
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As I mentioned in my previous post , there are end number of ways to give creative wings to your writing. For this , you have to read and get connected with like minded people MeπŸ˜‰πŸ€©. So don’t stop yourself following such am amazing writer and blogger like me !!!

Follow me, creative writing challenge

I challenge You :

Since , I know you must have impressed with me and followed me. ( I prefer to say , must have get connected with me by following my blog). I am going to throw this challenge to you !!! Write a story, a poem , a paragraph or anything!

Creative writing challenge,  my friend alexa

If you liked the idea, please do write and give due credit to this creative being ( offcourse, I am talking about myself ). Appreciation in all ways is welcomed . Know how to do this in different ways by clicking here . Waiting for your reply…Love You Dear Readers !!!

Keep Writing, Keep Reading….keep SMILING

“This October I am taking my blog to next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa challenge” . You can check out my previous year’s My friend alexa posts here !

This Post Has 59 Comments

  1. Poonam

    This is innovative. I tried writing the same right now, but can’t. Kudos to you for writing.

  2. mummatalks

    Good writing comes from a lot of reading, understanding and also thinking which is challenging and one can learn practise and grow in their skills.

  3. Doctor mommy

    That was a beautiful piece with a unique style of writing. Thankyou for the teachings

  4. Amritha Srinath

    This is indeed a very fresh and creative way to write. Loved reading it.

  5. myworldwitheira

    Loved your writing and the way words repeat at the end and the begining yet it doesn’t look repititive.

  6. Radhika Acharya

    You know that was pretty awesome – the way you phrased your sentences to start the next one with the last word. Like an antakshri of words! πŸ™‚

    Wings on our writing can take them across the sky to new lands. I guess one should always challenge oneself to explore new areas in our passion too.

  7. My Words My Wisdom

    Interesting. Will try to write atleast a paragraph like this. Keep writing keep challenging.

  8. Anand N

    creative writing is a great field. lot of things to learn and this blog is really helpful.

  9. preety85

    Very well penned down, loved reading it.

  10. aktal2012

    Interesting post and great writing style

  11. Aseem Rastogi

    It’s very important for a writer to get their creative juices flowing. And you have done quite a good job here :).

  12. Harshita

    That was quite a challenge you entered. Entering unknown territories can be confusing, but also revealing. Revealing the writer hidden in you can expose your emotions.Emotions are what make us better humans!

    Ok, this was really a very tough challenge!!

  13. Suchita

    That was an amazing take to the challenge. Challenging it can be to follow the word flow. Flow is possible when you stop thinking and start writing. Writing does give you wings.

    Ha! That was fun πŸ˜€

    1. Aurora M

      πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ» wow !!!what a creative comment πŸ™‚πŸ€©πŸ’ž

  14. nooranandchawla

    Yours is a well-done and interesting take on the challenge. I’m a bit confused about the challenge you have given to us readers- do we need to do the same thing i.e. use the same word to end the sentence and star a new one? Or is it a creative challenge in any way we choose?

    1. Aurora M

      Hi Noor, thanks for reading. You can choose any topic . The only thing to start the new line with the same word which the end word of previous word.
      Someone has beautifully commented on my this post in this same way !!!

  15. vidhya29

    It’s a unique challenge! loved it

  16. vartikasdiary

    What an interesting post on creative writing, liked how you ended it with the challenge.

  17. Dr. Surbhi Prapanna

    I had heard about this contest before but never participated. Loved your write up and tips. Indeed inspiring.

    1. Aurora M

      Thank You DoctorπŸ™‚πŸ’ž

  18. Kavita Singh

    It was flawless and I loved reading it. The challenge is quite interesting, I think, I will give it a try soon πŸ™‚

  19. Dr.Amrita Basu

    Some interesting tips for getting started with Creative writing.

  20. MeenalSonal Mathur

    This creative challenge is quite unique. Shall try poetry in this format and shall let you know when we do it.

  21. Geethica

    Hey,this is quite creative and something new to learn. Same words but giving different ,eanings to sentences. I will definitely try this out soon.

  22. Ruchi

    This brought a smile to my face. Loved the way you used it to create this post and your overall style of writing.

  23. Varsh

    Creative writing is fun and challenging at the same time. I liked how you maintained the flow while managing to form meaningful sentences!

  24. Ninu Nair

    Such a creative way to write about creative writing! You didn’t win that time but surely I felt this was such a great entry!

  25. Rashi Roy

    That was something new and creative. Creative writing at it’s best. Best entry will win is not always necessary. Necessary is to keep writing. Writing creatively and making it interesting. Interesting post I must say!
    Challenge Accepted!! How was my attempt πŸ™‚

    1. Aurora M

      WowπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» that’s amazing twist to the comment !!!

  26. Ritu

    Loved the paragraph, quite creative and interesting. I am tempted to try it out.

  27. Ginia

    Thats an unique writing challenge. Im going to try it out someday soon.

  28. Gunjan Upadhyay

    Wow! thats such a wonderful way to write a poem, you are indeed super creative. I am not much into wiriting poems, but i love reading them and this was great work for sure!

  29. sinjanag

    Great! I loved the first paragraph so creative.

  30. Manas Mukul

    Nice and a pretty interesting style to pen down that paragraph. Definitely worth giving a try. Usually I get criticism when I write something like that. Will pakka try. Keep the wonderful way going.

    #MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

  31. Metamorphosis

    Yes I follow you and I love your writing style. I am not really good with writing stories but following you might wake up story teller in me too. It was fun reading your post.

  32. soniadogra

    Writing can use countless creative ways to evolve. Thanks for sharing this one.

  33. TheMomSagas

    Great post. It’s an interesting challenge.

    1. yogitaamitjoshi

      Thats such a great way of writing.. your creativity is par excellence.. loved the post

  34. Dipali Bhasin

    How interesting! I am quite tempted to plunge into the challenge myself after reading your amazing writing.

  35. Kiranmayi G

    Nice post! Loved those GIFs

  36. Mayuri6

    I like you hook in style of writing . Had me till the very end!:)

    1. Aurora M

      You made my dayπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    1. Aurora M

      Do try and share the link! Would love to readπŸ™‚

  37. DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter

    Nice way of expressing your creative writing prowess. You made me stay longer than intended on your post :). Looking forward to reading more posts from you.

    1. Aurora M

      Looking forward to see your comment on my next post too..πŸ˜‰πŸ€©

  38. Jenifer

    Yeah it is wonderful write up. Difficult for me to write like this.

    1. Aurora M

      Nothing difficult… choose a topic of your choice and start writing.
      Thank you for stopping by and reading 😍

  39. ghazala786

    Impressed with your writing and entry to that contest πŸ™‚

  40. Modern Gyspy

    What an interesting piece of creative writing! Keep giving your writing wings!

  41. Chandresh Jain

    Truly , sparking creativity in our writing is very important to keep the attention & interest of the readers intact .

  42. Afreen Ansari

    Now that’s quite a creative way to write and amazingly helpful blog. Loved the way you have explained with bits of wit.

    1. Aurora M

      Thank you Afreen. I am happy you like my way of writing πŸ™‚β€

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