Almost three years back , when I published my first post, it was dedicated to all my students. I shared my experience as a teacher alongwith the life incidents in and around my life. Words flowed out from the sea of emotions. I started with zero experience in blogging. Year 2018, when I started with SuperBlogger Challenge Challenge with HealthwealthBridge , I came across many good bloggers who inspired me and made me grow as a blogger . During these online blogging competitions I came across Blogchatter -a community completely dedicated to bloggers. I loved their idea of Blogchatter AtoZ , Blogchatter for a cause and specially MyFriendAlexa Challenge. There started the journey towards making myself confident to write a book.
Blogging is my hobby turned into passion but not profession. Being an educationist I have a dream to do something productive in the field of education. So , I chose to write about Teaching Strategies.
Suddenly, we have witnessed a big turn in the field of education leading towards Online teaching. Since, I was already working upon this line ( Two months before the lockdown I completed basic Fundamentals of Google for Education course) I thought to share my knowledge with others so that they could also get inspired.
Being a blogger, I was using Canva a lot for creating images for my Pinterest account and other social media platforms. I tried this app for my classroom tool. The result was great ! Once again my creativity in my teaching was recognized. First was when I got special appreciation as a title Creative Teacher on Teacher’s Day. And the second was when I created a special certificate for each student of my class and honored them for their individual capabilities and capacities apart from academics. It was a proud moment for me when I was appreciated in the presence of whole staff.
Combining the tools of blogging, social media networking and digital content creating tools , I feel we can revolutionized our teaching and grow as a teacher. For this, the need of understanding this new generation is must. I can say this as per my experience of carrying out few activities in the class and my interaction with old and new students.
Some of my students have already completed their college degrees and now in their life learning mode and the other batch presently who are present in my classroom. Their requirements are different from the way we were taught or the way we were teaching 20 years back.
They need to be heard and hence the teacher has to build connection with them.
When I complied all these thoughts, it came out as an E-book.

This e-book would be a great learning tool for graduate who are planning to get into this profession or already doing there bachelors or Masters in Education. The new thought process of these Newly Qualified teachers with my experience mentioned in the E – book would bring a positive change in our education system.
This will build up your confidence and make you stand out of the crowd due to The WOW FACTOR of your teaching. ( To read more about WOW factor download my ebook today).
There are many ways to create this revolution in our teaching skills :
1. Gift a free copy – Gift this free copy of my book to someone who wants to be A WOW TEACHER.
2. Be my Voice – Share it with those who are inspired to be a teacher – your sister, your friend or someone who is already into this profession.
3. This for Daddy also – You should also download this book as there is lots of inspiration hidden for you. The way I have applied this blogging tools to my education system you too can incorporate in your business.
4. This for Mummy also – You are making wonderful food in kitchen, why not to share with world with your creatives ? Download today and check out.
Get a copy for yourself and Give it to someone!!! Since you are special to me I am going to share with you a link to free copy of e- book. Click on the link and download the copy TODAY !!!
Finally with all ups and downs, I completed the book published with encouragment of chatter. In the next post I am going to share how 63 writers came together under the guidance of Team of blogchatter and published 63 books online. I am gonna share few of their work here and the links to their marvelous work.
Lots to come !
Till then stay tuned , stay safe…
PS : Do check out the teaser of my book on YouTube channel . This is am example of creating a video with free video creating app. There are many other apps are mentioned in the book to digital content. Do check out yourself and create a video according to your need ! Video creates better impact.