Recently somebody asked me this question.Why do you keep the dead dog in your mind ? I was not been able to understand these question. I was completely unaware that this question can have such a deep meaning. Read this post further to know about this dead dog and how it affects our lives.
One early morning as you open the door or gate of your house and see the dead dog in front of you which is being left by your next door neighbour, what would be your action or reaction ?
Take your time to think.

There are many options. If you are a dog lover you will first pick the dead dog and will take the necessary action. You may complain the authorities for this wrong action. In none of the case, you will leave the dead dog there. Not even few hours or a day. You first action will be to clear up your front door to avoid any hindrance or foul smell.
Same is the case when somebody throws out his or her dirty mind or foul language or anger on you or in front of you, why do you keep that in your mind ?
The more it will be in front of the doors of your mind, the more you will get disturbed. You have to remove this dead dog from the doors of your mind to think fresh. Otherwise, it will cause the diseases which in turn will affect your whole self.
The person who has done wrong with you will be happy to see you disturbed as his purpose is getting solved but what about you? Just ruin the plans of this neighbourer and move forward. Never keep the dead dog in your mind !
If this the dead dog will keep on lying in front of the door of your house for few days, not only you but the whole neighbourhood will get affected because of the foul smell. So , better to remove it as soon as possible.
Many a times we encounter such situation where we keep on thinking day and night about that one incident or a situation. Sometimes this goes on for months. This create disturbance in our , making us unable to do our daily work. These issues then lead to physical problems like high blood pressure, cholesterol, anxiety and depression. The doctors put us on sleeping pills and anti depressants and things go out from our control.
It is always easy to control the problem at the beginning before it grows out big and malicious.
The best ways to throw out the dead dog from mind are –
Train your mind – Do not let thought wander here and there. Focus on your goal and concentrate on solution rather problem.
Start your day positively – Begin your day with positive thoughts. Positivity attracts positivity.
Meet positive people – Such people have positive aura around them. Such people having a kind of healing power. They can make you feel comfortable through their touch or conversation.
Meditation – This is the best practice to have a peace in our life. It can be done in any form.
Be forgetful and forgive – This is best way to keep the mind fresh and free from all the disturbances happening in our lives.
Have you ever encountered with such a dead dog in your life ? How did you come out from it? Do share in comment section.
With lots of love for this beautiful creature of God who has always been a best friend to the human kind like SUNNY , So faithful and kind.??
Aurora M (#journeysays )
I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa. (Post-3).
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I am happy with my answer to the question before your explanation. However, if asked a year ago, I might have thought something different.
It’s a good thing we can learn and grow 🙂
sometimes, we need to hear things from others to get a perspective of a situation we are in. this was just what I needed today.
#myfriendalexa #princyreads
What an insightful post. I needed to read this today. Thanks for sharing this. #MyFriendAlexa #CloudandSunshineReads
Interesting POV don’t know what more to say
This resonates with me! I used to carry it for so long.. The story that made me thinking was about carrying a rotten apple for ages. That’s so mild and the impact was so less compared to your example!
A very heart touching post! Am sharing this personally to my non blogging friends too!
Keepind old negative feelings never help. Its always better to remove them and replace them with positive thoughts, very well said
Fantastic narrative! It is difficult to follow though – sometimes the dead dog is like dead weight – very difficult to throw out. Keep writing such informative posts. #MyFriendAlexa #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter
These are very useful and simple tips. I liked the analogy and simplicity with which you got your points across.
Your title really made me sit up and read the blog carefully. Really useful and simple tips in themselves.
Thank you for writing this. I was going through something similar and it was eating away my peace of mind. I should try hard to be positive.
It is tough to see and follow the positive all the time, but that’s what makes it more challenging. This is an inspiring read.
I needed to read this today. Thanks for your words of wisdom! #MyFriendAlexa #DigiMotherReads
Very interesting read and helpful in dealing with everyday life. Thanks for sharing
A helpful post to tackle life challenges. But, it does takes practice to train your mind to be free.
So true. But what would you suggest if the dead dog is thrown daily in front of your mind gate?
Absolutely love the concept. The way you have presented the idea is brilliant. Keep writing, keep inspiring.
Surbhi #surreads
Thank You for writing this as I read it at the right time when I needed someone to tell me this.
that’s very helpful tipis to calm your mind and unnecessary thoughts. That’s an intriguing read, Loved the post and your unique writing style.
I train to look at positives in everything. It takes loads of efforts but sometimes it is quite worth it #myepicareads #MyFriendAlexa
so heart touching post well written
What a brilliant analogy! Actually it’s true, some people intentionally put malicious thoughts in other’s brain, for sake of joy, which we call sadism
The title of this post really got me intrigued and wanting to know what was it all about and reading about it was heart felt and a way to deal with it, i hope following these pointers help me deal with such stuff better
That’s such a helpful post indeed the dead dog should be tamed. Meditation is one and also sometimes time is the biggest healer.
Such a deep message in the simplest of way… It does happen with me a lot.. when I keep on thinking on a thing someone said behind my back…. Your post definitely inspires me to work out of the situation
A wonderful life altering post! Looking forward for from you.
We can surely kill the negativity with these positive steps. Let’s keep those dogs away from our minds
Great post that explains how important it is to wash off all the negative ailments with the positivity.
This is a post that has meaning in every sentence. I have never heard about the dog sentence, but after reading your post I completely understand the meaning. Also, the pointers are good to keep positivity under trying circumstances.
A great analogy. A similat story one is reminded of … A monk and his disciple were travelling and they encounter a river where a beautiful young woman is waiting to cross the river. As there is no other means to cross the river, the monk lifts her up on his shoulders and ferries her across the river. After a while the disciple cannot hold back his astonishment and asks the monk, as monks we are celibate then how did you touch a woman? The monk replies, I was only helping her cross the river and I dropped her on the other bank, why are you still carrying her in your mind? Phew!
I had also not heard this phrase had explained it so well. indeed we need to train our brain for gasping positive vibes only. #Surbhireads #Myfriendalexa
That is a soul searching post for all of us. I have managed to do some cleaning and follow all that u listed out. The dead dog can become poisonous and eat u like cancer so better to get rid of it. Wonderful write-up.#wordsmithkaurreads #MyFriendAlexa #BlogChatter
First of all, I like the title of this post and secondly, there are so many positive wonderful points here to train your mind.
First of all, I like the unique title and secondly, I just want to say there are such positive wonderful points here to train your mind.
Loved reading your blog. I relate and liked it. Our thoughts are very much alike. Subscribing immediately. #damurureads #myfriendalexa
I lost my dog three years ago and I still couldn’t get a new one. Similarly, there are so many things in my life which are dead but still alive in my head. They haunt me – broken relationships, lost promises and so much more. I am still fighting them in my head each day! But all I know, it is easier than we think we just have to make the first move.
That’s a great perspective. We must keep the dead dog out.
Most of the health issues that we face in the modern world are out of remembering the dead dog. I completely agree to your idea. Great post.
Staying positive is easier than facing negative people daily and forgiving their wrong deeds.
For emotional people it’s very difficult not to think about it ( bad experiences ) but yes with practice and prayers one can improve ?
This post is like an eye-opener to many of us. I’m an over-thinker and have gradually learnt the technique of keeping that dead dog aside. I usually listen to music or OM chants music which calms my mind and I can work or concentrate on my new targets 🙂 Congrats on the 200th post dear! Keep them coming.
#MyFriendAlexa #vigorousreads
I like the appearance of your blog, the content matches ot
A very positive post and a great life lesson!
Great post very insightful. Thank you so much for writing and sharing 🙂
Excellent comparison between a dead dog and idle thoughts. Enjoyed reading your unique post.
Excellent comparison between a dead dog and idle thoughts. Enjoyed reading your unique post.
Perfect list to be a responsible traveller. After the incident that shook social media, such reminders should be mandatory.
Thanks for such a positive thought. I will try to keep the dead dog out of the doors of my mind.
Loved your post. An interesting analogy there and quite on point. The truth of life. We need to learn to let go.
The title got my attention, and I am glad I read this post. Letting go is an art to learn and apply for a happy life
You have listed some excellent points for living life positively. Simple and effective.
Excellent analogy! Such a simple yet profound question, and one that we all grapple with time and again.
A simple question to explain a profound meaning. I have often found such things work best to train the mind.
Great post. You have so aptly defined the dead dog. I loved the tips in here to stay away from negative people. #MyFriendAlexa ShubhraReads
This is a great post. You started with such a relevant example. Yes other people dumping their garbage on us affects us. To get rid of this garbage we need to develop mental faculty such that we can remove it from our mind or we don’t think about it. Yoga, meditation etc may help. But taking mind off unpleasing topics, specially a topic that hurts our ego, is no mean task. It needs practice, preferably from childhood. So that when we become adult we are equipped.
Very well written posts with some great pointers. Meeting positive people & meditation always works. Forgiving is another strong weapon.
these are some great tips to attain peace of mind, excess baggage on mind will definitely pull you down
That’s a beautiful post to read and I totally advocate the idea. Lets spread more positivity.
What a brilliant and much needed post. Thanks for sharing such easy and helpful tips! It is high time we learn to get rid of the negativity and focus on the positives!!
Superb post! True, when we take in the hurt threw towards us we end up acting the way the person expects us to. Hurting ourself and one who truly cares for us.
So positive
Awesome post
What a lovely way to start the day…reading this positive and empowering post! We afflict ourselves with unnecessary bad thoughts, time to dump that garbage.
Wonderful post and one I totally advocate… we end up adding to the joy of the ones who hurt us by holding on the pain.
A very wise post and so difficult to do in real life for all.Will remember this post next time
That’s a very valid question u have raised. The negative thoughts haunt us more than the positive thoughts making us calmer. Our generation needs to meditate some time of the day and clear the clutter of brain. I have just started practicing meditation for a few minutes in a day and it gives a peaceful sleep and keeps the mind fresh.
I have heard this line before. Recently, I came across such an incident which wasn’t very much pleasant to be kept in my memory bin. I knew what I did was right so I just told myself the same. It took me sometime to get over it finally I was out of it. The dead dog is no longer in front of my door..:)
Nice article that rings a bell for us all! Clear your head and mind and be happy!
A big thank you to you ☺☺
Its a very good post. I am basically not a person who keeps dead dog in my mind, but sometimes it still happens when i have no control on my mind. The points you have mentioned are just what i need to do at such times. Thanks for great tips.
Now I know its called the ‘dead dog’. Really liked the post.
Thanks Ninu ! One should throw it out to stay happy n relaxed.
Wow. That’s a brilliant analogy. An excellent life lesson.
So heart touching post!! Your words touched me, it got my eyes flow in tears
Hi, thanks for writing such an awesome post. You got me thinking about my “dead dog” moments and believe me there were plenty of them till i found ways to address them. One of the key strategy that i have adopted in many of those “dead dog” moments is to work on my self-efficacy and ensuring not to let it down. I always back myself by thinking about all the past successes (small or big) to get me going.
this is a lovely article and some wonderful points to keep in mind. thanks for sharing !