Magical ways to do healthy shopping for your meals


Superbloggerchallenge2018, contest, healthy shoppingPicking up a bag and going to the market to buy grocery and  other products of daily needs is  a big task. The annoying part is when we come , we see a lot of things which were either not required or can’t be used for any purpose.

By the end of month, again same thing happens.  Finally either you have to throw as you didn’t use. Sometimes we bring a lot but realise that the products you have with you are not good for health. You can’t give it to kids , not even to your beloved ones as he or she is already gaining weight or you , yourself , becoming a couch potato. Finally  you decide to throw or eat ?

There is a way to solve all these problems. Here are few tips for healthy shopping for your meals so that you don’t regret later.
Because you are the person who is more worried for the health of all the family members. Here are few tips and suggestions  that may be prove helpful to you.

1. Prepare a list of things you require :  This is the first and an important part of your healthy shopping. Once you are ready with your list ,you will have a control on your mind who is having tendency to waver when see the lots of eye -catching products and labels.

2. Be time – specific  : This is the another ingredient to be added to your shopping. Fix the time duration for shopping. It may vary according to the number of items you have on your list. It will restrict you to spend unnecessarily time and get allure with the products. You will be more concentrated on the listed things only.

3. Prefer whole wheat breads and other products :  These days most of the products are available in both the versions – whole wheat or refined flour. Go for whole wheat as it good for your stomach and have lot of fibres. It is easy to digest and provide good amount of roughage.

4. Prefer yoghurt or curd over creams :  We use lot of cream in fruit salads and many other recipes.  Try  these two things. I  am sure you can’t get better option than these. And you not feel bad eating two many calories too.

5.. Look for fat-free labels : There are many fat- Free snacks or food items  available in the market. These are either roasted or  have a modified  ingredients which make them  make  fat -free

6. Choose healthy snacks : This is a tricky part. Don’t worry ! You can do this also. Here , you can consider dry fruits , roasted seeds etc

7.Prefer fresh products over frozen or canned :
Canned food have lot of preservatives which are not good for health. Hence , these should be avoided. Moreover fresh fruits taste better.

8. Say yes to coconut water or butter milk and no to cold drinks : There is good option available for cold drinks. Cold drinks are high in sugar content while coconut water is high in minerals. Its good for kids and elders too. It can be a good option in summer.

Superbloggerchallenge2018, contest
Choose your drink wisely -coconut water or cold drink

9.. Get some Yakult  :  It is a delicious probiotic fermented milk drink ,a perfect treat for kids. Taste and health together. A has lots of good bacteria which are good for their tummy. My kids love it !

10. Fulfil the craving of chocolate by opting for dark chocolate :  Dark chocolate is an antioxidant rich super foof which will keep you young.

11. Instead of sweet candies buy dry fruit candies : These dried candies have natural sugar content. Amla( gooseberry) , pine- apple,kiwi , mangoes candies are now a days available in every shop.

12. Buy a bottle of Olive oil : Try using olive oil for breads , salads and pasta. You will fall in love with its taste. Prefer Extra Virgin Olive for salads .

This time you will feed good  as you are going to keep your family healthy with given magical tips and suggestions

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Eat healthy, Stay healthy.

#superbloggerchallenge2018 #instacuppa

Note: This article has been written as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge2018 conducted by and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused. 

Photo credit : Google

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. zainab

    Yakult is a favourite in our home, so I know thats always on my grocery lift. Awesome tips. #Superbloggerchallenge2018

  2. celebratingwiththebug

    These are all great ideas! One thing I do is make sure to eat a meal before I hit the market! It helps me with not buying so much junk food! 🙂

    1. msarora

      Yes ! I should add this to my list. I remember last time when I bought a chocolate bar while doing shopping.

    2. Silverio

      I agree and I was going to post the same in the comment but since you have done already I will just join you 🙂

  3. Mann

    No matter how much I try…I always buy extra…applies to green veggies equally??

    1. msarora

      Good you buy extra veggies but be careful about buying extra calories ??

  4. CherishingFLo

    I like these ideas! I’ve never heard of Yakult I think you called it? Sounds interesting. I need to start buying fresh fruits and veggies, it’s just much more expensive! Great post!

  5. jaya1966

    My wife sends me out quiet often to buy groceries. She makes out a clear list for me. But often I get tempted by something that looks attractive, end up buying it, bring it back home and exhibit it proudly and have to face my wife’s wrath :). #Superbloggerchallenge2018

  6. Varsh

    I’m glad to say that I follow almost all the points you’ve said, for myself. My husband and kids have a list of their own, sadly.
    Haven’t switched to olive oil yet. Somehow the taste requires some getting used to on an Indian palate.

    1. msarora

      Glad you follow all. For Olive oil , I must say , you should try. I have been using it for your last 2- 3 years for cooking and eating raw in salad dressing. There is a extra light olive oil for cooking available also. If using for salad dressing, add some lemon juice, black pepper, honey to extra vigin olive oil and mix well and use it. It is good way to develop the taste.

  7. Jane Gealy

    I gave up fizzy drinks about 10 years ago. They really should have a health warning on them.

    1. msarora

      Really appreciate your step , Jane. Yes , it should be but people hardly bother to read such warnings.

  8. ghazala786

    Nice article , I do the same as you have mentioned but haven’t tried that Yakult yet , will check it out 🙂
    Fat free snacks is also a good option 🙂

  9. juhita gupta

    I don’t understand why people go grocery shopping without a list. It makes the whole exercise so pointless when you forget to buy key ingredients.

    1. msarora

      It happens specially if i have written on a paper. So I try to make a list in mobile. Because we can forget paper not mobile ?

    1. msarora

      Agree..It really works.

  10. livelovetravelx

    Another thing to add it ‘don’t shop when hungry’! I find that when I’m hungry, I tend to choose and food!
    Oh and I LOVE Yakult! I drink it by the bucket load!

    1. msarora

      Yes, completely agree with you.I will add this point to the list definitely.
      Thanks for reading.

  11. Geethica

    Making a list always helps while going shopping. And yes plain yoghurt is the best as compared to flavoured ones in the market.

    1. msarora

      Agree. We can add freshly fruits to give it flavour.

  12. Swanna

    I agree with making sure you have a list. Mostly because I forget things, but also if I am following a recipe I need to know how much to buy as well… otherwise I end up guessing and having the wrong amount of a certain ingredient!!


  13. Namratha Varadharajan

    We have completely shifted to whole wheat or multigrain bread in our family. Maybe i will add yakult in my next shopping


  14. Evelyne ? (@evyclocharde)

    I usually just shop for very “basic” foods that I can use in a variety of meals, like lentils or beans and spices. But recently we had a coupon and got some more extravagant stuff for free, so I’ve got coconut water, coconut milk, all kinds of fancy seeds and frozen avocado (…no fresh ones around) waiting for me. It feels great to get some variety while still being healthy! 🙂

  15. Sincerely, Alice

    These are good points but stay away from fat free! They are usually stuffed with preservatives and tons of sugar! fat free is just a marketing scam that dieting people buy into 🙁

  16. Yeah Lifestyle

    You are so right, having a healthy list to begin with will help in the shopping, so that we dont end up grabbing the unhealthy stuff. I also find that when I shop I do it after a meal, as I when I am hungry, I end up shopping for more unhealthy stuff too.

    1. msarora

      Absolutely true. Carry a list for shopping is must.

  17. kirakiratsu

    I recently started to make shopping lists before going to the store and it helps me a lot! Your tips are super helpful!

  18. Life With Fernie

    I always find if I meal plan and then write a list I stick to it a lot better than walking into a supermarket without one!

    1. msarora

      Thats a perfect way to begin with.

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