Education is a powerful tool to bring desired positive changes in the society . That is the only possible way if we are providing the education in a way that it is making us fininancially independent. These were the thoughts in the initial discussion of this Project and the survey conducted under this project.
Coming in the series, here is an interaction with Shivam Mishra putting up his suggestion that can refine our education system.
1: Tell us something about yourself )
e.g where are you from ? What you do ? What are your dreams and aspirations in the life ?
Ans: I am Shivam Mishra. I come from Ayodhya, UttarPradesh. Currently, I’m working as an engineer. I don’t have dreams or destinations, I believe in enjoying my journey equally.
2 What inspired you to get associated with this Project ?
Ans: Education is the area where a lot of work needs to be done. When I read regarding this project I thought I ought to put out my views on this issue.
3. Why do you feel that there is a need of change in the Education system of India ?
Ans: There are various following reasons why I think there is a sudden need of change in our education system.
1. There is a vast difference between theory and practical.
2. We don’t use most of things we study.
3. In these times when world is changing rapidly, we got to catch up with rest of the world and new emerging technologies.
4.What practical difficulties as a student you are facing or have faced in present education system ?
Ans:- I didn’t have good teachers. I spent 9 precious years of my life without a good teacher. When I met them, they truly changed me forever. Besides this I am not a good learner and a lazy one so when I started trying to learn, semester was over. 4-5 months were not enough time for slow learners.

5 . What changes you want to see in Education System in the coming years ? ( It would be nice if you give practical ways to improve our system at any particular level e.g school level , college level etc)
Ans:- 1. Reduction of syllabus burden:- There are many redundant things we study for example in mechanical engineering, Students study Manufacturing, Thermodynamics, Machine design etc. but at the end of the day, he ends up making career in only one of these streams. So classification of these streams would not only reduce the burden but student can also use that time working in industries and learning relevant things.
2. Selection of teachers:- A teacher can play vital role in making a child’s career. Teachers should be people who’re passionate about teaching. If somebody is teaching only to survive and to earn his daily lives, he is wasting both his and his student’s time.
Another thing is students between the age of 5-10 years ought to be taught compassionately and without expecting too much. People learn at different rates. Not knowing something, having difficulty in learning something, making mistakes, none of these are punishable.
3. Guidance:- Guidance in making career is also equally very important. Most of the students copy others without knowing their own interest and start fumbling. People lose their interest in their jobs as it’s completely different from what they thought once. Time is precious and life is too short, one can’t spend all it experimenting. That’s why they need guidance. Everybody is an individual entity so they wouldn’t be fit in same frame as a fish can’t climb on a tree. Students should also be encouraged to pursue entrepreneurship.
4. Inclusion of Technology: Inclusion of technology can make learning way easier. For example using Apps such as BYJU’s learning App, difficult structures can be understood easily by using Model & Prototypes etc.
5. Personality Development:- Personality development, Human Interaction, Negotiations, Your appearance etc are very important once you enter into working class.
6. Projects:- Projects and experiments help in learning and one can correlate with theory. Fantasy of projects and experiments can ignite intelligent minds and spark the talent. Though it should be assigned naturally not forcibly.
6. Given a chance what is the first thing you will change and why ?
Ans:- There are many important things that need to be done and deciding one thing is really difficult. But if somehow I could push this perception that one should study to know the world better and things he is interested in not to score marks in exams. That would be a fair thing to do. For example a student goes through a lot anxiety during exams and after that he goes on vacation and forgets most of the thing he studied. When I was in 10th standard, I used to wake up at 1a.m. to study not because I wanted to score marks but I was afraid of failing. I did well.
When the time before exams is same as the time after exams, It should be spent with equal importance.
Thank You!
Journey Says : Thank you Shivam Mishra for enlightening us on this topic and being a part of this project. Your voice can motivate others to come forward and share their experiences too. Education should teach us how to live life and earn livelihood and prepare us for real life. Education should come out from books to life.
Get connected with Shivam Mishra @
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