Hello to all lovely readers of my blog ! Welcome to the first interaction conducted under the Project – Educational Reforms in India, initiated with the help of blogchatter – A biggest platform for all the Indian bloggers .
I asked few people to express their views regarding the educational reforms as a parent , teacher or as a student on Twitter. Here is what they have suggested.
My first interaction was with Dr Amrita,who is a parent to a six year old girl and a teacher in a Medical College. I asked few question which were popping in my mind since the thought of this project came into my mind.
Educational Reforms in India
Here is my interaction with her.
Journeysays – What changes you want to see in present educational system ?
Dr Amrita : I want quality, affordable education with strong practical classes. Practicals like summer internships at various levels to have an idea about how different industries work. The education system is okay but the expectation needs to be balanced. While parents know the practical nature of life ,children and youngsters have no clue . Employability of education makes it useful. Until this gap in knowledge is understood by parents ,children and educators ,we have to face the problem. Education which doesn’t help us to make us financially free does not solve the purpose .
I would also like put more focus on healthy living and Financial health.
Entrepreneurship mindsets should be incorporated in various ways from middle school onwards. Children are smart but a little guidance helps.
Journeysays– Your expectations from teachers ?
Dr Amrita : Teachers need to be upto date and incorporate the practical aspect of their subject with real examples, for better understanding .
Journeysays – Can you suggest any one or 2 practical ways to achieve your suggestions ?
Dr Amrita : Mindset shift is important. Education must be cherished . But with India’s impossible population number , making quality and affordable education accessible is a challenge. First step population control Second step better early life nutrition Third step mindset shift for both parents and children. For rest of my ideas you can read my blog post on this https://t.co/mAMNgA9m0y
I also interacted with Sakshi who is a teacher and student too. She teaches class 6th , 7th and 8th
According to her : Education should not become some kind of spoon feeding system . Like happening in schools these days . Practical knowledge need to be given, not just grades should be imparted . The class should be full of fun and interesting. There should be enough time for self studying hours for children. Parents should not providing smart phones to school students as it act as hindrance to their studies.
As a mother Alawyerskitchen put forward her viewpoint –
She says– Our education system is still based on age old belief that what is taught in books is the only way to excel in your exams and life which is quite the opposite to what life actually. Emphasis should be given on teaching practical theory . When we enter the society the first thought in our mind normally is what use was of those written exams where we just vomited out our by hearted words.
According to Jai who is a published writer, blogger and father :
I think training should be provided in chores that are neither included in extra-curricular nor academic activities. Small things for teenage children like carpentry, pottery, cooking for both males and females etc would impart life skills.
According to Varsha bagadia
Dedicating time for aptitude development and extracurricular activities would be very beneficial where mugging up won’t be needed. Approach needs to change from only marks to performance and understanding.
These are the initial thoughts we have come up. Still lots of brain storming on this topic is left.
Kindly do share and create awareness among people to share their view point. We are open to all. Share on what’s app , Twitter or Reblog the way you want to share. You are welcomed to express your thoughts through the survey Link , as a guest post or interview. Do contact me through my contact page
Here is the link to survey where you can add you opinion directly-
You can get more information about this project –
Share it for your future, our future and above all our country’s future As Better Education means Better India
#journeysays #educationalreforms #BlogchatterProjects
There have been many who’ve written on this subject, and you make great points, knowing also so many will see different sides to the subject matter. Personally, I believe parents are responsible for most of the education as they are the closest, teaching their children about life, how to be respectful, finish what you start, and honor your word to others, also learning from chores around the home and learning about cooking, cleaning, fixing the car brakes with dad, and such. Personally, I have told too many to count that although I have a college education, most of my education (90%) happened outside the classroom, in hobbies, while researching, at various jobs, talking to others, and simply living day to day. Working at a zoo, I learned how to care for animals, but also the amazing variety as well as what goes into feeding herbivores and carnivores, picking up road kill to nourish the lions. Restaurants, marketing events, managing departments, working in summer camps, and much more, including educational help was a real education. After working in various capacities, including helping youth who struggle physically to enjoy horseback riding, I eventually returned to the university, and there, I quickly understood much more from a real-world perspective, knowing better the second time around what I was seeking and how it applied to me. I still struggled with the intellectuals who didn’t have a real-world connection. As far as financial independence, that’s for individuals to decide, and thinking for one’s self with a great family to discuss with and share experiences helps. No school can tell you what to become. No school can read one’s future. They can only teach, apply programs that relate to the market, provide vocational trainings, and prepare. Through the school of hard knocks, I learned it’s incumbant on me to figure out the road ahead. So many good idea.
Very Well Written..!! Really impressed with the writing..! I have written a similar article, and i hope you will have a good time reading it. You can find the article in the below link.
Thank you Siddharth .
Would read it soon….Do
participate in the survey to share your opinion.
Give me a proper link.
Here is the link to my survey…Do share your thoughts
Lovely post.I like this subject to discuss.
Do fill the survey form as I would be a great support.