Social Media Detoxification – how to do it in three easy steps

Have you ever thought how your day would be without  Social Media ? What if your Smartphone does not work  or wi – fi get lost for a day?

Probably, it would be difficult for you to even  imagine such a situation. Sometimes we get so much involved in in it that we forget that this is all virtual and this may affect our real life. ( as discussed in my previous post.) .

Last month I felt as if I am getting obessed with Social Media so I decided to take a break for a day . No Twitter , no Facebook, no whats app and so on. After a 12 hours of SMD , I felt refreshed and rejuvenated. It was a feeling of achieving something good in real life.

Social media detoxification, journey of life continues

Sometimes we need to impose a kind of self discipline so that our work efficiency increase and we could think in a better way.  Same was the case with Jason Zook

Most people won’t admit how much social media means, or has meant, to them. For me, social media has been my life since 2008. I’ve built multiple businesses using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other platforms to garner attention, build community and generate revenue.

After six years of heavy social media use (read: nearly every waking hour of every single day) it was time for a break. I was fed up with losing control of my feeds. I was upset with my diminishing social reach due to networks bursting at the seams with users. I also started to become cynical and jealous of people. So for 30 days, I quit social media cold turkey and implemented a self-imposed detox.

Taking a social media detox for a month really opened my eyes to the feelings and motivations I have using Twitter, Facebook, etc.


According to The New York post , even Kim Kardashian has supported the digital detox.

Social media detoxification, digital detox, journey of life continues

These lines from her will definitely motivate you to keep yourself away from all Social Media profiles for sometime.

“I took a couple months off and I just wasn’t on social media. And honestly, I think it’s so beneficial for everyone in life, no matter what you do, who you are, how old you are, you need a digital detox,”

It is not that difficult as you think.  You have just make your mind . It is like a controlling over sugar intake as you see some signs of diabetes or gaining weight ! Social Media Detox process has great benefits. It will definitely help you to grow your  social , physical and mental capabilities.

Take it as a challenge and do it  !

Social media detoxification, digital detox, journey of life continues

Ways to do Social Media Detoxification


Prepare yourself well before you start Don’t take it as a punishment. Think positive and send positive stmulus to your brain. Plan your your well in advance to keep yourself busy.

Set your goals – As a beginner you need to ste goals for yourself.  These should be the realistic ones. ( I will limit my data usage for next week is not realistic as limit to what extend is not mentioned here )

Choose your time limit – You can start with few hours to few days and even few months. It depends on what exactly you want to achieve.

Choose your day – I prefer Sunday as I feel I need to spend that with my family.  There is no hard and fast rule in this. You can choose any other day too if you have some assignment that need online guidance.

Inform your family and friends – This is important to inform that you are on Social Media fasting and can’t connect with them on different social platforms for few days or hours. ( As per your decision )


Switch off the WiFi or internet connections–  There is no need switch off the mobile completely. I switch off the wifi and internet data on my phone. I personally prefer doing this. This way I can control my urge to see various notifications on my phone.

Log out from the apps – The other way is to log out from various apps. This way you will net any notification until you log in again.

Delete few gaming apps – I know it is little difficult to do but believe me you can find something better when you will search again to download it. A new updated version , more difficult!

Activities to keep yourself busy during Social Media Detoxification

Nature Walk –  Go for a walk and enjoy the nature. Spend some time with nature and get inspired.

Read something new –Buy some magazines or a book if your favourite author. ( Preferably Paperback). Carry it with you and read it whenever you get a time

Cook for yourself – Think of dish which you used to enjoy a lot. Dosome experiment with it. It comes out not necessarily. What important is that you tried something new.

Plan a holiday-    Plan a vacation or a picnic with your friends and family.  Do click some pics , not to upload but cherish the memories later. Get the print outs later.

Become a writer-   Write your emotions , feelings and experience in your diary. Read whenever you are alone. Writing controls your anxiety too.

Give time to yourself. You can go for a spa or get a new hair colour or new style. Go for shopping. You can enjoy Window shopping to make your pocket happy. Drink coffee !

Start some DIY project – You can start some DIY project like painting a wall with some texture or making a new table for your garden or even a painting for your room.

Plan with crayons and pencils-  You may not be a good artist but can try some colouring activities. Colouring is a great stress buster even for elders too. You can try sketching.

Social Media Detoxification, digital detox, journey of life continues

Get connected with some old friends. Give them a call to surprise them. Plan a surprise for someone you love. Write a letter ! Have some fun in life ! Rejuvinate your life and soul !

I am sure following these steps will not let you have the craving for social media.

Good Luck !

With love

Ms Arora ??

( Join this Journey of Life ….on your favorite social media for more updates and motivation)

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Amrit kaur

    I totally support social media or digital detox. And I have started spending less time on digital devices n platforms.

  2. Pratibha (Prats)

    A timely reminder and a good detailed post 🙂 Thank you for sharing this.

  3. Questy Musings

    The new spa is without internet, undisturbed sleep, plenty of laughter, creativity and fresh air. Everyone knows its important to detoxify and posts like this will only encourage the thoughts into action

  4. Anwesha Guha

    This is such an excellent idea and a great way to give time to your self.

  5. Preeti's Panorama

    Social Media Detoxification is essential if we want to be close to our family and friends. I started this rule of keeping our weekends free from all gadgets. It took some time getting used to it but it gets easier with time.
    #readbypreetispanorama for #MyFriendAlexa

  6. pareshgodhwani

    My ways of detoxification are different, I switch off wifi and internet connections in the house at 11:30 pm till 9:30 in the morning. In this way I detoxify myself for 10 hours everyday.

  7. Torri Giancarlo

    I simply must tell you that you have written an excellent and unique article that I really enjoyed reading. I’m fascinated by how well you laid out your material and presented your views. Thank you.

  8. PennyEmmy

    This was amazing to read! I don’t think I can do this personally but I should at least try in the future.

    1. msarora

      Hi dear thanks for reading, I think You can , start with little , may be one or 2 hours! Try it once.

  9. My cell phone died yesterday afternoon and I just didn’t feel like charging it until this morning… it was great!

    1. msarora

      Hahaha ! What made you feel like that ? Hope you don’t mind asking me this ?

        1. msarora

          Not exactly ? Actually few last ones only ( I didn’t notice this ).
          I write poetry too !

          1. Siddhartha Dua

            Ok. Great. Have you read my posts?

  10. CherishingFLo

    I have done many social media detox days. I love it. I can’t say I am a social media addict because I literally schedule things on social media JUST so I don’t have to be on it as often and I have to schedule times for me to get on and engage because I don’t check it on a regular basis and I don’t like sitting on it. But a detox is AMAZING and deinitely refreshing!

    1. msarora

      This is really great ! Scheduling the work and important tasks makes our work easier and productive too. I have start working upon it.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  11. Absolutely! Digital disconnect is very essential to connect with family and friends!

    1. msarora

      I did it twice and enjoyed a lot as somewhere I feel that yes, I can control the situation if I find it incorrect.
      Thanks for reading and dropping the comment.

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