Recently I got a chance to write a guest post on one of the famous Indian blogger platform- Blogchatter through their campaign- causeAChatter .
I was so happy to read the email of acceptance of pitch- Digital Citizenship, for this month.
I urge to you all read this as we are in the world of Internet. Most of us are working from home, hence this topic need to highlighted specially in our country. Apart from Social media detoxification, this is the another important step to have a peaceful future.

In this fast-growing world where every day comes up with new technology and new challenges, we need to be more cautious of what we are doing. The word global citizen has now been replaced with Netizens. Generation Z, born in the era of the internet, is spending more time on this new virtual world. Gone are the days when we were in need of big books and registers to keep records or kids going to school with bags full of books where a dictionary was a must. The pandemic has impacted on our lives with about one-third of the world population working from home. About 60% of people in the world are using the internet, a study reveals. When more than half of the world is on internet, how can we neglect our behaviour and responsibilities as a citizen of internet?Especially in India, where the use of internet and digitalisation is at its peak, there is a need to make people aware about Digital Citizenship.

It is a collective responsibility to make everyone around us aware digital literacy and leaving the positive digital FOOTPRINTS online.
Are you a good digital citizen of this nettosphere ? Share the rules you follow while you are online ? Are your kids and teens aware of this concept? Don’t you feel this topic should be taught in schools too ?