How many roles are you playing ?

Roles, life, blog, views

The roles you have played in your real life so far. How easy has it been to switch/transit from one role to another? How many more do you wish to play?

The idea to write on this prompt on Indispire made me think little more deeper. As a human being on this stage of life as Shakespeare said we have different roles to play but I never gave a thought to it.

They were all dressed in their finest as though life really were some magical stage play in which every moment ought to be illuminated with its own bright spotlight.

As said by Shakespeare

As a woman, at present,I am playing the role of mother, a wife , a daughter , a sister ,a daughter-in- law simultaneously in the family. Every role is carrying a unique feature to play.

Talking in terms of official front, I am a teacher, an educationist, a mentor , a guide for some and a colleague, a friend, a senior , a junior to other.

In Society, different roles are there to play. A friend, a neighbour, a motivator, a leader.
Considering the past,role of student , a girlfriend is now over.

I have been a creator of life when I gave birth to the life !

The list doesn’t end here. It cont

I am devotee , I am follower…….

I am a blogger, I am….???????

There are few I must have forgotten either because I  played for short  period of time or may not be so important.

Every role have certain limitations and some advantages , hence transition from role to another has never been easy. Sometimes with in a few seconds a makeover is required and then you really find a challenge. But life is a very good teacher and it teaches us in such a beautiful manner that you ,at times ,forget about this switch.

Sometime the struggles you face during these transitions are unforgettable e.g.being a mother to mother-in – law or vice verse. A beautiful change from womanhood to motherhood or a man to fatherhood. A girlfriend to wife and many more.

Think of a phase when so many roles are played together in a one moment of life.

As we have to pass in the test to get promoted to another class or have to perform better to get promotion in job, so is in life.

Perform your duties well and get promoted to avail a chance to play another role. Life does not permit you to choose the role but allows the way you want to act . Not everyone get a chance to play all the roles of life , yet I expect there are few more that I have to play.

You think of yourself
as a citizen of the universe.
You think you belong
to this world of dust and matter.
Out of this dust
you have created a personal image,
and have forgotten
about the essence of your true origin”

Come, Play , Show different shades of life.
Enjoy and say good bye till you meet the eternal peace.

Each role is carrying few responsibility and few duties. Hope God Almighty will give me the power and strength to get successful in each and every role I will  play in future and at present too.

Pic credit:Google

Via Daily prompt: Permit


This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. nehavermaa

    I am playing the role of a sister, daughter, mausi, friend, teacher , mentor and what not …..the best of all is of a mausi….you are very true …. I liked the post..?

    1. msarora

      You are right, Neha ! Even I feel so good when I meet my niece and see her expression.

  2. Yeah Lifestyle

    You are right, sometimes I think I am super woman, there is just too many roles that we take and we should not be defined by one word. Shakespeare is spot on.

  3. Life With Fernie

    I love this post, it has made me think so much about the roles I play ?

    1. msarora

      Hat’s off to all of us for performing so well !!!

  4. kirakiratsu

    I’ve never thought about this before but after your post I’m really amazed by how many roles we actually play in our everyday life! Great post!

  5. Sincerely, Alice

    We all play so many roles, I have to say its been hard to play the blogger role lately! Great post xx

  6. Evelyne Park

    I like how this shows how we are all multi-faceted and always changing as human beings. 🙂 I do feel myself switching from one mindset to another throughout each day, it’s interesting to think of that as different roles!

  7. livelovetravelx

    I’ve never thought about his so deeply before. I’m not really sure what roles I play, it’s hard to list them. Maybe it’s easier someone else describing your roles…I don’t know :):)

  8. CherishingFLo

    Wow.. this is really deep and I love it. Like it has me sitting here thinking about all the roles I play and toll eaxh role actually takes on me. Great post love!

  9. Misha Bagga

    Wat s beautiful post. And yes you’re one of the great intellect bloggers I’ve ever come across. Keep up and keep inspiring us all ??

    1. msarora

      Awww! So sweet of you. Thank you Misha. You have made my day ??
      Appreciation by you means a lot for me.

      1. Misha Bagga

        You totally deserve all of it. Love to see your blogs.

    1. msarora

      Thank you Kathleen ??

  10. We all play so many roles at a particular point of time, always. What amazes me, is, we seldom fail in our attempts… 🙂

    1. msarora

      Agree with you , Maniparna.

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