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Gratitude – A feeling of being thankful

As you are reading my this post, I just want you to a take a little pause and count your blessings for today.

Begin from the moment when you got up from your bed. Have you ever been thankful to the comfort you have enjoyed being in cozy bed ? There are many who struggle hard to get good sleep during the night. Even you must have experienced the restless night. Compare that night with last night.

You must be reading my this post on your mobile or your laptop. That means you must be earning enough that you can afford to buy these gadgets. Have your thought of being thankful to the job you have ??? You need not compare yourself with other jobless people around you. Just thing about the days when you were looking for job !

How can you forget that book and author which lighted up your heavy mood or showed you the right path when you were struggling hard ?

This is just a beginning of a day of being thankful. Continuing my thoughts, let’s be thankful to things or people who knowingly or unknowingly helped you , lifted you in your life !!!

I can recall one such incident. Once, I had to board the train. My bag was quite heavy. I was finding it difficult to walk with that. Suddenly, somebody from the crowd came and said -” I will hold one handle and you hold other. It would become easy , else you will miss the train.”

I just said thanks to him and moved on.

There must be many such experiences , big or small, for which you will always be thankful. Let’s express your gratitude in comment section. May be the one who is reading has done such act of kindness and your gratitude passes to him, You never known !!!

Even built this attitude of gratitude in your children too.

Ponder on this.

– This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with VoxBox .

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. nooranandchawla

    Lovely! Gratitude is certainly an attitude that we can and should cultivate.

  2. Vasumathi

    Gratitude for all the things that we take for granted will go a long way to make you humble and empathising with others.
    It has been constantly raining in Bangalore for th last week. The other day i was thinking that it is too cold to walk….then I thought to myself that i have a warm home & a full belly and shelter against the rain. Sent up a lil prayer

  3. rgvdudeja

    I often find myself in a spot where I think what did I do to deserve this life. That’s when I find myself immersing in gratitude for so many good things happening to me. Thank you for this lovely reminder.

  4. Abha Mondal

    There are many good people in this world. I remember a woman who helped me during my Scotland trip by paying my bus ticket. Such a lovely gesture and I still remember this incident.

  5. Madhu Bindra

    What a beautiful post! You are absolutely right. We should always be thankful for what we have. This habit should be taught to children too.

    1. Abha Mondal

      There are many good people in this world. I remember a woman who helped me during my Scotland trip by paying my bus ticket. Such a lovely gesture and I still remember this incident.

  6. Satabdi

    Yes, when you think about it, people help us when we’re least expecting it.

  7. Harjeet Kaur

    I used to make a prayer of gratitude every morning as soon as I woke up and before going to bed. Gratitude for whatever little I have in life. But how should I feel grateful when first my husband goes away and now my young son? It has become so difficult that I have lost faith.

  8. Ritu

    So true, Meenu. We often fail to realize that what we often take for grated could be someone’s lifelong dream. Gratitude is extremely important for us to stay grounded.

  9. aditi

    Loved the idea behind your post. We should be thankful for all that we have… usually what happens is just the opposite. We keep lamenting over what we don’t have….and that makes all the difference in our lives:)

  10. pamela

    We should show our gratitude to the eternal power that we are alive, healthy and living a good life. It is important to be thankful to everyone as we are getting countless blessings and support from everyone to whom we know.

  11. Jigna Vora

    Loved how ur blog progressed from the mobile to the job…i would like to be thankfull to not one by 3 lovely ladys who helped my daughter get on an escalator while i was carrying my son and struggling 😊

  12. Its neccesary to show gratitude at every point. Gratitude helps us feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

  13. MommyShravmusings

    So very true, being grateful to almighty, reduces the anxiety and tension in our minds. And we can go ahead with our day with a light heart

  14. ghazala786

    We should be thankful to Almighty for all the blessings we have 🙂
    Bring educated is one such blessings for me 🙂

    1. Aurora M

      True dear ! My gratitude to He, the creator.
      Education is indeed a blessings

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