Green tea – know about its types and benefits

We all have been talking about detoxification by green tea these days. Have you ever thought from where the concept of green tea has come from ?

Few weeks back I visited a typical chineese restaurant and they served us green tea with the food we ordered. So I decided to explore more about it . Through my research I came to know about many interesting facts.

Benefits –

You all are well aware about the benefits of having green tea. But the interesting fact is that the not all these teas are made up of tea leaves. This includes other plant products too.( Read the complete post to know more about it)

Green teas

Origin– Green tea has been originated in China. It was first made in 2737 BC during the reign of Emperor Shennong – a mythical sage. Soon drinking tea in China became the social ritual. Even in India till date , the guests are welcomed with a cup of tea ( may be with black or milk tea )

Some of the famous Chineese teas are –

  • Lu’an Melon Seed – It has no relation with melon seed. Actually tea leaves look like melon seeds when dried and processed.
  • Chun Mee – This is also a famous tea. It is less sweet in taste compared to other green teas.
  • Xinyang Maojian tea – It has fragnant aroma and strong floral smell.

Japanese Teas

In Japan, people gift these teas on special occasions as they believe that it is a symbol of a good health and a long life. It is perfect gift for Valentine too. Some of the famous Japanese teas are –

Japaneese Green Teas, instacuppa , super blogger challenge
  • Mugicha – It is famous as summertime drink in Japan . Interesting fact is , it is not made of tea leaves rather made of roasted barley infused in water. Hence , it is caffeine free.
  • Genmaicha – It is made from green leaves of tea plants and roasted rice. Hence , slightly bitter in taste.
  • Matcha – A very famous tea having , full of green colour due to high amount of chlorophyll present in it. It is usually in powdered form. Read more about Japanese tea here

Recently during my visit to Australia , I got a chance to have a sip of T2 Blue Sage Shoes tea. ( T2 Tea is famous in Australia for different types of teas and have many outlets there ). It is made from Gen Mai cha( a combination of roasted rice , green tea , popped rice) , rosehip seeds , sage , spirulina, blueberries, cornflower and sunflower petals. Isn’t it great !

So guys ! Do explore the flavours of these teas with this tea infuser and enjoy the health benefits with all new flavours. It is easily available at very affordable prices.

My latest edition in green tea is Ginger tumeric organic green tea. What is in your cup ?

Do you want to share your green tea experience with us ? Leave the comment below. I am eager to know. Do not forget to fix a date with my coffee love

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Doni W

    This is very interesting! I only tried matcha – only because I visited a family friend and they offer me a cup πŸ˜› I usually eat black tea but interested to try others πŸ˜›

  2. Sindhu Vinod Narayan

    So far I only knew about matcha. This is very informative. thank you

  3. BellyBytes

    I don’t like macha tea at all – especially when it is made into ice cream….But thanks for sharing such facts.

  4. lifewithmypenguin

    The world of green tea is deeper than I thought. Phew! So many flavors/varities to try.

  5. Aritro Chattopadhyay

    Got to know so many new things from this challenge. Love this blog post too.

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