Spicy flavour of the love

If you forget her birthday or

Don’t wish her anniversary

If you can’t remember

the day you met with her or

you don’t say goodbye

to her in the morning

If you  promise

to take her for a movie

or dinner

And you come home late

On that  lovely evening….then

Be ready to taste

the spicy flavour of her love!

So keep on adding

the sweetness of hugs,

kisses,flowers and surprises

to maintain the balance !!!


Write your opinion and your experience in the comment section.??

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. theuncertainties787

    I haven’t experience such thing, till. But thanks for sharing. I’ll prepare for it.?

    1. msarora

      Better you should..??

  2. DeepikasRamblings

    Aww…such a cute way to convey what a woman really needs. No big things, just small little hugs, kisses and love. So beautifully written.

    1. msarora

      Thank you Deepika…..happiness is hidden small little gestures of love rather than the diamonds .

  3. ivors20

    A gorgeous verse, brings back so many beautiful loving memories, xx

    1. msarora

      Thank you…indeed these little moments give their own flavour to our life.

  4. Neal

    Lol I get to see a furious meow and “no dinner” tag at night :P..

    1. msarora

      So it’s better you prepare dinner for yourself and for her too ????

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