Why am I announcing this challenge in the last week of August ? Because I am quite excited for my new challenge My Friend Alexa conceptualized by famous website Blogchatter. They also had an A to Z writing challenge recently .
If you are an Indian blogger and following my blog from the past few months you must be knowing about the other challenges like Super blogger challenge 2018 where I have won the title of Most Inspiring Blogger of the year !
The another one was Godrej Food Trends Blogging Contest where I learnt about the latest food trends followed by people in India. It was really interesting as I came to now many new terms related to food diets while doing research on the topic.
Why these challenges are important for the bloggers ?
- These challenges give you energy for blogging.
- You come to know about other fellow bloggers.
- There is always a scope of learning new strategies and techniques to get more views and followers.
- It improves you blog rankings i.e. alexa rank and moz rank.
- It builds a strong community around your blog.
- It increases your page views.
- It keeps your blog alive.
This is first time I am participating in My Friend Alexa contest. Till now what I have understood that we are going to write and read the blogs. I hope it will make the alexa rank for my blog better.
Why is Alexa rank important ?
Alexa rank is important because you come to where does your blog stands. I mean what is the rank of your blog in the world and in your country . It also provides you an idea about you keywords, from where you are getting the traffic , how much time people are spending on your blog and what is the bounce rate of your blog. All these means a lot for a blogger.
I don’t how far I will be able to achieve through this challenge. One thing is sure that I will try to put my best effort to achieve my goal.
Ms Arora ??
P.S. – Kindly mention my hashtag #msarorablog while posting or reposting my blog post on various social media. This is my writing hashtag. My reading hashtag would be #msarorasays .
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wishing u all the best
I so agree. These challenges become a motivation and keep us charged up for writing more and more.
I’m geared up for the challenge too. Sounds fun ? and intresting.
True ! It’s great ???
All the best. Looking forward to reading your posts.
Thank you so much.
Very nice post on my friend alexa, informative as well,specially for the bloggers like me who is participating first time.
That’s interesting. So much to know and learn. M excited to read yr upcoming blogs. All the best buddy
Pooja Budhiraja
Thanks for the encouragement Pooj
Thanks for the encouragement Pooja
I agreed and i too tried godrej challenge . I take part in blog train . it keep you going and we learn many more things
Great ! Never tried blog train. Maybe in future
totally excited as I am entering this as newbie..lookimg forward for great posts