Life is all about you.

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Life,poem, life Quotes, inspirational quotes

Live every moment
Ignite your passion
Forget about worries
Enjoy your present

No matter what the situation is
Come out as a winner
Find out a reason to celebrate
And order pizza in the dinner

Life is all about you.
So,Love yourself !!!

Forget about the society
Think of your family and friends
They are your true treasure
Always there to hold your hands

The life is full of challenges
And you are full of courage
Keep a hold on your undulating mind
Be ready to show your true spirit

Life is all about you
So,Love yourself   !!!

Take out your favourite shirt
And choose your shoes
Paint them with some new colours
And be ready to move

Whatever may be the reason
There is no point to loose
Life is best given gift
And this is right path to choose

Life is all about you
So,Love yourself !!

Cool ways to be happy and relax

My favourite’shopping’??

Via Daily prompt: undulate

Look for some other shades of life


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Ria

    Its so beautifully written ?.. good work??

  2. twinklingwords

    Hahaha actually gave a prompt to happy living by doing things that make this life worth living!

  3. vishalbheeroo

    Grab a pizza…this sentence made me smile. It’s our life and it belongs to us. One should never be shy in living King and Queen size, be extraordinary.

    1. msarora

      Thanks Misha. Trying to motivate and inspire through my words.

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