World Peace



Gives peace

Spreads love everywhere

Let every heart rejoice


Via : A simple ELFJE  11 word challenge…..prompt word- love

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  1. ivors20

    “Give Peace A Chance” Joh Lennon 1969, nearly fifty ago……..

  2. micketalbot

    the word,
    let peace prevail!
    let your elfje spread

    your elfje,
    hope you join
    in a again, thank

    1. msarora

      Amazing….!!! Love to learn more forms of poetry.

      1. micketalbot

        You thought of Haiku, or have you tried it already? An example:

        frog jumped the pond… missed
        landed in the net… dinner
        frogs legs very tasty

        A haiku: Note: 3 lines, each one permitted a maximum number, (can be less), of syllables as in 5,7,5. Content should relate to nature, natural or human, either should also contain a kigo, (a reference alluding to anything found in nature, or celebrates it. eg a festival). No upper case, proper nouns being, out of politeness, the exception. No punctuation, ellipses being the exception, and indeed they are representative of it. Now I hasten to add, I am a traditionalist and all of the latter represents that. The modern English language approach is more lenient re syllable counts and content, of which the former to a degree is acceptable. The content, from a traditionalist point of view, not the case, more often leaning toward a senryu, or worse like just a three line poem, which its self has a format title which eludes me.

        Peruse my About page, you’ll find the rules for several poem types there, else google for types of.

        Hope you continue to participate in my elfje, 11 word challenge, best wishes,


        1. msarora

          Definitely Mick …i will try haiku and thanks for letting me know about the rules.

          1. micketalbot

            Your most welcome 🙂

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