Once again happy moments are here…!!!
Never thought I will come so far
As I was in a doubt when I began
I took my one little step and
You made a path for me
leading towards success!!!
I big thank you to lifeblog for nominating me and giving me recognition as a blogger in the form of this beautiful award. I always admire his beautiful blog for many reasons.His writings has always been a source of inspiration.
Before I nominate you my dear bloggers,Let’s know about the rules for this award
- Say “Thank You” to the person who nominated you & link their blog to your post .
- Answer the questions given to you.
- Pass the award on to 7 – 10 other bloggers and let them know they have been nominated.
- Include the Award Badge in your post
My answers to the questions asked by LifeBlog
1-What made you want to start your blog? In other words, why do you write?
My Journey says: Human beings go through many life challenges and these situations are more or less same for many and if your writing can provide even a little help, I think it is a great feeling.
2-How do you describe yourself when ask who are you?
My Journey says: A human being having no caste, no religion who only want to work for humanity.
3-What reading does do to you ?
My Journey says: It rejuvenates me and fills my soul with new energy which gives me a power to face many difficult situations of life.
4-Which is your favorite book and why?
My Journey says: It depends on my mood…..nothing favourite as such !!
5-Do you plan to change any styles regarding your blog ?
My Journey says: . I think I have mentioned this earlier also. May be in future you find some new categories related to cooking or travelling ??✈
6-If you could host a challenge on your blog, what kind would it be?
My Journey says: : Challenge….!!! Never thought of it??
7-What was the moment when you lived to the fullest?
My Journey says: . My First International holiday with my family…… that was amazing??
8-Do you like abstract things or definite?
My Journey says: .I like everything in the nature whether it is abstract or definite except the things which create a negative impact on my beautiful Planet Earth.
9-Describe your taste in music.
My Journey says: . Music with which I can relate to….
10-What is your philosophy of life?
My Journey says: . Live and let live…
Life is what you make it…
so enjoy the fullest..
And now the nomination part….
I dedicate this award to my new FBF???
I mean new Fellow Blogger Friends……???
But never to forget ….OLD IS GOLD as you made the road for me to reach here ??
Now I proudly nominate these fellow bloggers…….??
https://emolovepoetry.blog (Brett little)
https://jimbo789.wordpress.com/ (point blank)
And the questions to be answered are:
1-What made you want to start your blog? In other words, why do you write?
2-How do you describe yourself when ask who are you?
3-What reading does do to you.
4-Which is your favorite book and why?
5-Do you plan to change any styles regarding your blog?
6-If you could host a challenge on your blog, what kind would it be?
7-What was the moment when you lived to the fullest?
8-What will you ask for if you meet God?
9-Describe your taste in music.
10-What is your philosophy of life?
The best part of writing for these awards is to know more about each other and build a strong community where we support our fellow blogger friends. Lets continue this motivation , inspiration and admiration to others !!!
Don’t be a solitary bee…?
come, join the hands
to make a great community.??
Thank you and happy writing !!!
Congrats <3
Hi soiba , I have nominated you for blogger recognition award too
hey thank you for the nomination, i feel honored 🙂 <3
Oh you don’t know? Yoly has left WordPress. Anyway congratulations Miss Arora.
Thanks a lot. I was not aware of this ! I will update my post soon. Thanks for letting me know.
How about nominating you??
If you are ready to accept???
Thankyou for the nomination, so very thoughtful of you, however I’m not an awards blogger person, I just thoroughly enjoy followers reading my writings and appreciate any comments that may be said… Agains, Thanks, Ivor.
Always welcome…??
I too really enjoy reading your posts.
Congrats !
Congratulations! 🙂
Excellent! Congrats and thank you for your answers!
Loved your answers and congratulations.
Thanks a lot ???