The versatile blogger award

I  was alone as I started my journey ,

when did it became a caravan

even I don’t know.

A big thanks to  Inspiredme  for nominating me for this award. Your words , thoughts  , quotes has  always inspired me in one way or other.

It has   not only come  as a reward but also as a big motivating force  for me . It   is a big achievement  for me.

It was really not possible for me to reach here  without the inspiration, love and support of my followers and this beautiful world of bloggers .

Your likes, feedback, comments  have always encouraged me to let this journey be full of versatility.
Before you read about rules for nominations let me tell you  seven facts about me ( as per rule I can’t tell you more).

  • I live in a  country which is known for its unity in diversity…India
  • I love cooking may be in future I write about something related to it.
  • Love to watch movies sitting in a couch with Pizza coke French fries…and choco truffle cake!!!
  • I want to bring the change in the thinking and attitude of the world towards the differently abled person,learning disabilities and autism
  • A science post graduate
  • I believe in the  HIS beautiful creation
  • A strong believer in the religion of Humanity

Rules for the nominations 

?Thank the person who nominated you.

?Nominate up to 15 bloggers for this award and inform them.

?Share seven facts about yourself.

?Put the logo of Versatile Blogger in your post and display the rules also.

And now the nominations :

The imaginary friend alif

Chaos xd story of  darkness

Peter Adewumi

Stephen S. Mutuku




Robin gem of  literature

Think out loud

THANK YOU  all for being a part of my  journey….

And a WELCOME to those who want to be a  part of it…..

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Deepika

    Pizza and choco truffle cake….? life is like heaven!!! ❤?

  2. chaos-xd

    Story of darkness! Damn that made my day! ?

  3. The Imaginary

    Hi MSarora, I just saw the nomination.. .a million thanks! My ultimate nomination would be ALiF, but it is just an imagination. The thing is that I have met so many lovely people around here and nominating just 15 won’t be just… so I nominate everyone who breathes in air, so the nomination is shared every time they breathe out.

    I hope that you have a wonderful time, India is a very beautiful place to be and I can see you already feel obliged of the fact. Where I live, the winds come from everywhere, including India and I can always tell because the molecules are so deeply connected to their antecedence and nature.

    Post-grad in science, interest in autistic people… awesome! It’s a very noble noble, surf yourself wholeheartedly to it. They are really strange people who we think are incapable and abnormal, but our tangent to the normal is so undefined that we really can’t touch the normal they perceive. I think if I had a causes-list, that one would have lead the list and I too plan to do my part when I have gained enough ground for actions.

    May the beautiful smiles always comfort your soul and may every soul seek comfort in your smile. Rock on & Fist-Bump!

  4. Robin

    Thank You for the nomination. 🙂

  5. Peter Adewumi

    Masarora, thanks for the nomination! I’m deeply grateful!

  6. ALiF

    Your paratma is very close to you, thank you for the nomination.

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