Finding faults in others-A powerful device of ego

Life quotes , why people find faults in others , Journey of life continues quotes , lifemarbles, quote for the day,

There are times in the life when we meet people who always keep themselves busy finding faults in others. For them, it is a best device to for their ego.

Fault finding is a clever device of ego

by mind and soul

The reason may vary from person to person. May be they want to prove themselves superior or they are not being capable enough to do something productive. Whatever the reason may be, You need not to worry. Keep doing your good work and move towards your goal.

There are many ways to handle this situation.

Believe me you are the most beautiful soul. You have eyes and mind which do not see or think wrong for others. You have a beautiful soul ! You do not degrade others to get good grades for yourself. So be happy and enjoy your day 😊😊

Have a cup of positive attitude to start your day and see the magic of it. You will be able handle all kinds and situations and people who are always finding faults in you and too.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. The Dusky Blogger

    Because it is the easiest way to feel superior.. And most people don’t want to put any effort to better themselves..

  2. Inna

    A simple and lovely post! This is sad but true. I think everyone is capable of doing anything but they feel discouraged because of others. Sometimes people throw comments at you and spread negative vibes. but we got to stay strong. We can’t listen to each person and let that influence in our minds.

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