Happy Classroom

BlogchatterAtoZ, educational REFORMS, happy classroom, classroom idea

Happiness is when
I answer a question in the class
Happiness is when
I get answer of my question…
Happiness is when
I get a star in my notebook
Happiness is when
I get a pat on my back…..
Happiness is when
She calls out my name
Happiness is when
She appreciates my way…
Happiness is when
When I enter in class
Happiness is when
When I forget my flaws….

Let the children give the opportunities in the classroom to develop their happiness quotient.

Small efforts , few words can make their world magical . Here are few tips to develop happiness quotient of your children along with Emotional quotient and Intelligence quotient.

  • Give them a chance to ask questions.
  • Respect their opinion.
  • Welcome their suggestions.
  • Ask them to smile and clap at regular intervals .
  • Appreciate their response and small efforts.
  • Give them a chance to plan.
  • Call out with their names not with Roll numbers.
  • Reward them for their improvement.
  • Make them feel their importance .

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