Educational Reforms in India- A survey initiated under the #blogchatterprojects

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Education is a fundamental right for all the citizens of world  according to the UN declaration .  Hence , in most of the states in India, basic education is provided free to all. But the question is whether the education being given to them achieving the purpose ? Is it having a power to give the citizens which the future world is looking for.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Malcolm X

The purpose of education can not be defined in few words. It is more than a definition. It has to  be specific and goal oriented.

Need for this project ?

Being a teacher , a parent there has always been a great debate on what and how the child should get the education at various levels.
Be on a social media platforms or in family or friends get together I have witnessed the parents so worried for the education of their kids. I remember the incident I witnessed while  travelling in a cab , that made me to get more deeper into this project –

Educational Reforms in India.

Educational Reforms in India, blogchatter projects, journey of life continues, Indian Education survey

Ideas and objectives behind this Project :

We all discuss a lot on this topic with others .We share our ideas , shortcomings or better ways to teach children in school, colleges and universities. These discussions remain as discussions only and disappear from our minds soon. What if it could be recorded or entered into somewhere so that we could get a better picture of our expectations and the reforms we are looking for in our education system.

How to take part in this project ?

  • This project includes a short survey( Link is provided at the end of the post )where you can express your views, ideas and opinion about Indian Education System.
  • You are also welcomed to send your e-mails ( ) you want to share something more than that. Kindly mention – Educational Reforms in India in the subject.
  • Through out the month Interviews and Guest Posts will be published . You are welcomed to contact me here.
  • Spread the word on various social media platforms using #educationalreforms 

How will it be benefited ?

The data collected will be complied up. The result will be made public and a copy of it will be sent to the concerned people and organisation. It will bring out what actually is needed to be changed with time.

Education is powerful media to bring a change in the society.  Hence  a small initiative has been taken to bring a change in the present  education system and a small contribution towards better citizens of India.

Better Education means better India.

So ,let’s contribute for better future by giving your valuable suggestions, opinions to bring the change we want to see in our education system.


Click on it and be the Educational Reformer 


????????????????Be an Educational Reformer and build a strong base for our country for its bring future.

Looking forward for your support. Do share the post and work together for this noble cause. 


KINDLY NOTE – THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN INITIATED WITH THE HELP OF BLOGCHATTER FOR THIS MONTH UNDER THE #BLOGCHATTERPROJECTS SEASON-2. Their efforts must be appreciated as it gives an opportunity to the bloggers to achieve the success in their dream projects.

Let’s be  connected on Twitter / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest


Ms Arora  ??? #journeysays. 

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. jaya1966

    Filled the form. I am a father to a sprightly girl in the 7th grade and I do believe that the educational system needs quite a few reforms.

  2. Latha

    I love this initiative… Very eager to understand how it pans out…

  3. Penmancy

    Great initiative! I just participated in the survey as well. Good luck !

    1. msarora

      Hope I could make the people aware the need of this change.

  4. Ramya Abhinand

    This is the much needed intiative in today’s times. With schools and education shaping and playing a vital role in the way our children turn out to be, a whole new thought process needs to evolve to set things in the right direction. Looking forward to discussing…

  5. Dr. Surbhi Prapanna

    I agree Indian educational system needs a kind of re-analysis and it is really great that you are taking a step from your side. love the idea and your Nobel motive behind it. all the best for a project and looking forward to all upcoming posts. #CleanEatingBySurbhi #Blogchatterprojects

    1. msarora

      Thanks Surbhi for reading and sharing ! Hope you have expressed your views in the survey.

  6. mommytincture

    A very pertinent topic in the prevailing times. I often wonder how are we going to help our kids chose their careers, because the courses being provided are not being updated or modified according to the market needs. But that comes very late in the timeline. your topic seems to cater to a more fundamental question. Following the series with keen interest. All the best

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