When you need something more than words

A gentle warm touch of mother can make the world of a child safer and secured…

A gentle warm touch of your friend can immediately give you an assurance….

A gentle warm touch of your beloved can lift up your mood…

A gentle warm touch is a need of person specially when words are not enough to express your feeling. It act as psychological boost for the body and help a person to combat with the difficult situations of life.

It can be felt as the emotions flow from your brain to the other person. In other words , we can say the unseen positive  energy flowing through our body can be felt when you touch someone.

There are some therapies too that follow this concept like Reiki or Therapeutic therapy. These are based on some of the powers mentioned in ancient scriptures and been followed by ancient people. Though there are not proper scientific evidences for it , yet it has its own importance.

Unfortunately we have forgot this aspect of the touch in our lives. The touch,  now a days , has taken another shape. This is something need to be pious ,pure , healer, caring and supportive .

We must too understand when does a person need a touch and of what kind ? Is the next person ready to accept it ? Will you be able to convey your thoughts , your concern , your love or your support through your touch ?

Think about the touch you have received in your difficult times through your friend as a hug….

Think about the touch when you were in high fever and some one sat near you and put a caring hand on your forehead…

There are many instances in our life when we look for it and there are many moments when we received such feelings through a gentle touch…!!!!

Not only human beings animals to understand the language of touch. They are not able to speak your language yet they express their feelings through touching you.

Give this happiness to someone today and see the magic of your touch.

Hold the hand of the one who is looking for a promise from you.

Give a big hug to the one whom you have hurt to say sorry without words…

Give a gentle pat at the back of the one who has put a lot of effort and hardwork to achieve his goal…..

I am sending you the virtual hugs if you too in need of it… Hope it makes you better and joyful.

A virtual hug , need a gentle warm touch , journey of life continues

With lots of love and wishes for this festival season.

Ms Arora??

Do you  remember any such touch which helped you ? Must be many! Do share any one !

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Abhijit Ray

    Very nice post. I agree touch has a soothing effect on person.

  2. TheSouthernerBlogs

    Beautiful post. As a therapist, I really agree with you about the power of touch. I work in talking therapies so I also believe in the power of being able to talk about your problems and just being heard.

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