Creative writing plays an important role in the way of learning language. It gives a chance to the learner to explore his imagination and put them into words. At the same time, the learner must get enough exposure forreading the books as reading comes before writing when when we are talking about language i.e. LSRW formula. You can read the complete post about why is important that we inculcate the habit of reading in kids. I have discussed this in my previous post( Read here) and also get tips about choosing the books for younger kids.
I always get enthralling experience whenever I do creative writing activities with my students. Creative writing has been proven as a powerful educational tool for teachers .
Even being a parent you can also do some of these exercises with your kids to enhance their capacities in writing.

Keep the following points in mind while carrying out these activities :
- These activities are to be done in leisure time.
- Proper environment should be provided for writing.
- Children should be allowed to use their own imagination .
- Don’t interrupt and point out any mistake.
- Do help , If asked for spellings or any word to be translated.
- Don’t emphasise on good handwriting .
Creative writing activities for kids:
- PICTURE COMPOSITION: This is the easiest tool that you can start with. Give a child any picture and ask him or her to describe. For younger kids , it can be few short sentences with same sentence structure. Children from the age group 10 – 12 years can write a short paragraph too.
- STORY WRITING : There are different ways to make the children write a story.
- Developing a story with outline – The children will write the story with the help of given hints using their own sentence structure.
- Developing the story using the given beginning – In this case , children will develop the story using the given beginning lines of the story. This is an interesting activity as they can develop any plot using their own imagination.
- Story writing by filling the blanks using the given hints: In this case the child has to just fill in the blanks. He or she will use the given hints or words. This exercise is good for age group 6- 8 years. years.Check out the few ideas here
3. DIALOGUE WRITING: This activity is liked by most of the kids. Some cartoons or pictures or a scene is given to them and they have to write few dialogue in the speech bubbles. Check out this activity sheet.
4. ACROSTIC : Children love trying new things. Give them an example of an Acrostic in the class or at home and tell them to write an Acrostic by their own. It can be on their favourite cartoon , flower or toy too. See the Acrostic written by me Harmony
5. RHYME TIME : This is an another activity which the kids love to do. You may go short of words but they will not stop writing. In this , provide them with some rhyming words like cat -bat – hat – rat. Now they will be come up many interesting rhymes.
The purpose of all these activities are to inculcate the habit of writing . This feeling of achievement something apart from curriculum will develop their interesting in language too. At the younger age , these few exercises will prove a mile stone in the future.
Don’t forget to give them a star ( think about yourself as blogger when we get one like as star , how would we feel ) as a mark of appreciation. Pin up their write ups so that other could also get a chance to read and appreciate each other’s work.
Have you ever tried any of this exercise with your kids ? Do you have some other idea ? Do share in the comment section .
Ms Arora ??
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