Gravity of thoughts

Poetry,Gravity of thoughts, poem , life, inspiration

A cavity in the gravity of our thoughts
Can take you to an other world.
You will reach at a point
Where nothing would be visible
Except a back hole
You are a part of this big universe
The power of yourself
Make yourself sun
A big ball of fire
Let yourself shine
And help the moon to shine too
Make the  planets of thoughts
Revolve around you
Maintaining the distance
From youself
Under your control.
Milkyway is not only for them
It is for you too.

Via Daily prompt : cavity

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Yeah Lifestyle

    Such lovely poetic words, enjoyed reading it

  2. kirakiratsu

    Really loved this! You have a talent!

  3. mypassionprojects


  4. Evelyne Park

    I love how you took the prompt “cavity” and took it into this completely different direction! Space is always a great theme for poetry and writing. <3

  5. Robin

    Eloquent words. Beautifull penned. 🙂

    1. msarora

      Thank you life. You are such a lovely person ??

  6. CherishingFLo

    Wow. I love poetry of all kinds and this one …. I can really see the imagery and I love the description of our thoughts! Awesome!

    1. msarora

      Thanks Jack for reading and appreciating ??

      1. Jack of All Trade

        It was like a summary to spiritual thought … sorry I should have mentioned it earlier but I just put an smiley … but u replied even to that.. attitude ?? hats off…

        1. msarora

          A small gesture of appreciation by a reader means a lot to me. It am glad you liked it. Your interpretation to this absolutely right.

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