Thank you!800+ followers!!

Is this a dream or a reality ???

I am having 800+ readers on my blog !

800 followers on WordPress. Thank you post for wordpress community

This 2 years of blogging journey has given me a lot to cherish and enjoy. More than 150 post , 16,000 views from more than 80 countries and 800+ readers from all over the world !

Views from different countries on wordpress blog, journey of life continues blog

It’s a time say THANK you my wordpress community, my readers and followers who are consistently supporting and liking my posts through various social medias. You guys are AMAZING….

I remember the very first time I got 100 readers on my blog and wrote my Thank you post. Today I am going through the same feeling.

You read my poems….Thank you
You liked my quotes….Thank you
You voted for me……Thank you
You interacted with me…Thank you

Says journey of life continues

Thank you for every word you have written in response to posts
Thank you for that every minute you have spent reading my words.

Special thanks to Yuri , a new member from my wordpress community who helped to touch the number 800.

I remember how this wordpress community helped me to grow and understand the basics of wordpress blogging. How they supported and encouraged me to write more. I used to wait for Friday to get connected with more bloggers on the daily post.

I tried to give back the same with my Friday feature series in 2018. I consider blogging as my passion not profession. I am happy here to be connected with you all . I write what I see around me , I write what I feel about life and I write what my readers love to read. I write because you are there to read….

Thank you and keep supporting me ?

Happy New Year to all??

Ms Arora

( ?click to know more about me )

Journey of life continues #journeysays

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Doni W

    Congratulations Ms Arora! What a achievement! 😀 🙂 Hard work is key to success!

    1. msarora

      Thank you Doni??

      1. Doni W

        My pleasure Ms Arora! Please check your email! 🙂

  2. Deepika


    1. msarora

      Thank you dear ? your words means a lot.

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