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Why I Secretly Wish to Be Surrounded by Idiots (And You Might Too!)”

Who are your favorite people to be around?

You must be surprised to read the heading but yes, it is true. I would like to be surrounded by idiots sometimes . Idiots in terms of those who are not bothered about what is happening in and around their life.

• “Surrounded by Idiots? Lucky You!”

Yes! I feel lucky when I am surrounded by people who don’t care about what is happening in and around their world, and enjoy being their own company. They are happy with what they are doing and don’t crave for more. If you are also surrounded by such people, so-called idiots, being not always giving their suggestions or opinions until or unless it’s asked for you are in heaven. Think yourself Lucky.

• “The Unexpected Joy of Being the Smartest Person in the Room”

Imagine your boss has given you some assignment where you all have to work together to reach to a conclusion or a solution. You’ll be happy to see that your teammates are still struggling while you have found what your boss is looking for. That brings an unexpected joy of being the smartest person in the room, and that’s all because of…😉

• A peaceful bliss of being around people who don’t overanalyse everything.

Indeed when people don’t over analyse or judge the situation, they don’t discuss or give their suggestions. They don’t poke their nose in your work, neither force their opinions on you. In this case, You are not being forced to hear someone, nor being criticised or overwhelmed.

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Deep thinkers vs. “ignorance is bliss” folks.

Ones who think themselves super intelligent, always go deep into the details. They at times create fears of unknown. They take you that deep where you struggle to come out on the surface. Hence, ignorance is bliss if you have idiotic ideas and thoughts around you. The stress of being surrounded by over thinkers will become a pain in your neck. People who ignore are always happy and content. They won’t create any trouble for you and you will be happy to go wherever you want to go.

Stress -free mindset always add some more years to your life and make you stay happy ever.

In nut shell dump people are happier as they don’t take everything to their heart and also inspire others to do the same. If you really want to master the art of happiness, get surrounded by Idiots. They make your life easy and happy. They are no harm even to become idiot at times ,just to create illusions for some !

“Surrounded by idiots” (popular phrase & book reference)

Here my opinion is not about the book Surrounded by idiots but yes if get a chance to red this book , you will understand the kind of idiots around you.

• “Why dumb people are happier ?”

Across six studies, we show that individuals believe that targets who experience very high levels of happiness do not process information deeply, and thus, are naïve. We replicate this finding with different manipulations and measures, and we document behavioral consequences of expressing high levels of happiness: individuals are more likely to take advantage of very happy people by offering them biased advice and by choosing them in a competitive negotiation when the opportunity for exploitation is salient.

As published in this article by Science direct

So, happiness comes when you just do the things without thinking too much into deep or its results or consequences.

• “5 Reasons Why Being Surrounded by Idiots is a Life Hack”

  1. Save yourself from unnecessary discussion
  2. You are not forced to hear unwanted suggestions
  3. They help you to forget your worries
  4. Free from the fear of being judged
  5. Learn the art of ignorance
  6. They give you an opportunity to grow and up skill while smart never brings your talent into the limelight.

Now it is your turn-

• “Share this if you’re tired of smart people ruining your peace!”

• “Tag a friend who overthinks and tell them to chill.”

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