You can’t reach to your destination or lead a happy life if you are carrying heavy weight of past on your shoulders.
So , let it go
Think about a situation where you are moving with the heavy load on your back or ankles . You will stumble down again n again. Every time you will start with new calculations and result would be zero. There is no way to change your past.
You narrate that incident multiple times and the outcome is nothing. Accept it and let it go….!
Remember my last post where I discussed about the dead dog in your minds ???
Read it to understand how such malpractice of our minds and ways to get rid rid off and throw them out of your mind.
This is my first post of the last month of year 2019. Here the countdown begins with 30 days to year 2020 ! How have you grown mentally this year ? Do share in comment section. Do you follow let it go rule of life
Journey of life continues quotes- Day 1