What does the perfect time means? Does the perfect time really exist ? Or it is a state of mind which creates it ?

Every single second is a replica of the other second. These exactly the same 60 seconds make a minute which in turn make hours , days, weeks, months and so on. The control on this small identity of time is unaltered and beyond the control of our capacities.
Every single second is Perfect by its own. Then why do we keep looking for that perfect time ? Is the moment in which you are living and witnessing is imperfect ? If you ask this question to yourself ,the reply you will get somewhere from the core of your heart is – NO.
It is we who are unable to understand the nature and power of time. It is we who are lacking in terms of efforts or attitude. Our inhibitions and insecurity is leading to give such results and keeping us away from making this moment perfect.
How can we make this moment perfect to start with? Why are we keep on waiting for that perfect moment ? Why are we doubtful about this present moment ?
We should not waste your time and energy for waiting the moment which is yet to come. Start with what you have just now with you. You are the creator of your future. You are the one who has a magic to make your dreams come true.
Start making your perfect moments now. Believe me,You have to only look for the magic in every moment.This is the perfect time to make your life what you have dreamt of.
How can you make this moment a Perfect moment ?

Lets see how can we look for a magic in every moment.
Every person has his own secrets to unwrap the success or happiness in his life. The formula which has worked for me may or may not work for you. There is no closed door to the better future , only the ways to open it may be different .
The treasure is just under your feet. You have to start digging just now. Some may get it in few feet down the earth or others may have to go little deep. The later you start , the more time you have to wait.
I am listing here few ways to start with. Try it to make this moment the perfect moment.
- Start believing in yourself
The very first step is to start believing in yourself and in your efforts. People may raise doubts about you and even your ideas. They may see you as worthless. Don’t get disheartened. Believe me , They are ignorants as they can’t see your mind and your planning.
- Weave your thoughts
There are many thoughts and ideas which keep on popping up in your mind. Before these valuable strings in mind get entangled , write it down. At first these may appear bit confusing . Later you can sort out them one by one according to your goal. Why not to start journaling.
- Work upon the pathways
There are many different roads to reach at one destination. Study the map carefully to choose right path. It may possible that the road has still not built to your destination. No worries. Make a new one. It will not only be beneficial to you but for others too.
- Read and research
Read some books. It can be a motivational book , a success story , a biography or a travelogue. Every book has a lesson for life and a way to solve the mystery of hidden truths. Research the topic online and offline both. Listen the people carefully. You can get a lots of ideas to make your that moment perfect.
- Don’t be afraid of failure
I always believe that failure are the stepping stones to success. Do not be afraid to fail.
Take a example of the famous Bollywood actor Amitabh Bacchan who once wanted to leave Bombay ( presently Mumbai ) thinking that this city is not meant for him. Look at he destiny, the same city made him a well known personality in the world. He has faced the failures many a times but did not stop.
- Accept criticism
People will criticise you for your actions. Accept it as a part of your success story. The one who are criticising you today will be your admirers one day. Deeply go through those words and sentence. Analyse and interpret to see whether they are worth for. Keep your attitude with you.
- Be ready with plan A, B or C
Make a plan A and start doing planning on a paper. Write its pros and cons. If it works well , good but if it isn’t ? Make sure you have plan in your hand. Never ever think to stop on the way. Keep on going till you achieve what you want to.
Start doing smart work with hardwork. A perfect combination of both will bring you closer to your perfect time quickly.
Life is what you make it. So , let’s make this moment a Perfect moment. Don’t wait for tomorrow as tomorrow never comes.
And finally, look for the magic in every moment.
Aurora M
You make some interesting points here- I like what you said about each person holding the key to happiness in his or her life. It’s also true that the perfect moment can be- and is- right now; it doesn’t require looking into the future or back at the past. That’s a wonderful thing.
Thanks for taking out time for commenting.
Seems you have just started your blog. Looking forward to read your posts and more interaction.
Happy blogging?
Most welcome. Yes, I’ve only been at it for 6 months or so, but loving it so far 🙂 Great to connect with you!
Quite systematically and usefully crafted points
Thanks Rakhi. Feeling motivated after reading your words.
Great posts and good ideas..??
Thanks Manish for reading and commenting. I am glad you liked it and found it useful.