As a parent we always want to give our kids best be it food or thoughts. Sometimes unknowingly or due to ignornance we get indulge in the wrong food practices which can adversely affect the heath of young children. The food we are giving to them become reason for their heath hazards through the chemicals containing in them. Here is list of few chemicals and wrong practices which we are following and need a check :
- Ajinomotto in Chinese food – Have you ever thought why your child likes more the outside food and why does it tastes better compared to the one we make at home. It is because they add Ajinomotto ( Mono sodium glutamate) or MSG , a very harmful and carcinogenic chemical if taken at large quantities. This also present in processed food and packed food.
- Artificial Colours – When we have so many colours in our natural food why do we need to to give such artificial things to our kids. Food prepared in restaurants is full of colour as they add it to make it more appealing . These chemicals can enhance the symptoms of ADHD in children.
- Caffeine – If summers means cold drinks for your kids then you are spoiling your kids. High in sugar content and caffeine can not be comprised with natural drinks .
- Bisphenols like BPA- can cause problems with your child’s immune system and interfere in puberty too. It is mainly found in 3 and 6 number plastic.
- Heating and reheating in plastic – When you cook food and reheat the food in plastic in microwave, it makes the food poisonous. Even you should avoid putting the hot food in Tiffin boxes if they are of plastic.
Healthy food practices to follow
- Choose fresh and home made food over packed and outside food. Once in while it is ok.
- Prefer to cook meal fresh and consume immediately.
- Use glass container to reheat in microwave if required .
- Prefer steel tiffin and water bottles for kids .
- Use cloth napkin instead to foil paper to wrap food in lunch.
- Make home made sharbats in summers.
- Use natural colours while cooking food e.g. turmeric or saffron for yellow or beetroot for red or pink colour.
- Do heathy shopping for your family
Do you have any information or tips regarding this topic. Do share in comment section.
Kindly note that this post has been written under the BlogchatterAtoZ.
These are great tips for leading a healthy lifestyle!
Thanks for the read ! Healthy lifestyle is a need of a hour.
I agree with you. Ajinomoto contains mono sodium glutamate (MSG). Glutamate is an excitatotry neuro chemical. I get headache after eating food that contains MSG. Many restaurants and packaged food declare their product to be MSG free.