My technological birthday wishes…


Yes….It was my birthday last week and usually I don’t plan much since so many years. This year I had a change. This time I planned….yes !!!

I booked tickets for a movie and then planned for a dinner. My daughter gave me a beautiful surprise.She made a beautiful card with a handmade bag that she learnt through youtube.

When I was young my friends used to send me birthday cards, letters by post or come to my place to celebrate …this was in flashback.

Things have changed now…no more b’day cards by post but what I got is lots and lots of messages.

And the interesting part is the origin of these messages in term of technology. The technological origin of these messages was different.

  • What’s app messages– some sent in groups while others  sent a personal message.
  • Facebook Messages- Messages on my timeline,Messages on Facebook messenger and messages on the birthday post sent by others on my FB
  • Short message service -I mean SMS. These are sent by Banks, my school,shopping malls, restaurants. The best part is that they offered discounts and free birthday cake too.
  • Now comes E – mails : Yes,I got e-mails too.These were sent by some websites and few insurance companies.
  • Personal calls – Few were able to manage the time( as life has become a marathon where we all are running at iur own pace)to call me personally including what’s app call.
  • Video calls– How can forget to mentio  the ones who were sitting far away of me and shared their happiness through Skype or other video calling app.

Thanks to this Modern day technology  which made me feel so good on my special day by sending  the feelings of my near and dear ones who inspite of being busy in their life thought of me.

There way of sending messages may be different but all of them had a flavour of love, care and respect.


But I missed something…….

A beautiful bouquet of flowers and a birthday cake  !!! ( Thinking to plan for next birthday ??? as planning has begun from this year)

A special mention to my blogger friend who has written beautiful about this day in his post: Celebrate your birth

Do you plan your birthday celebrations in advance or do whatever you like on that day depending on mood??

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Susan

    Happy belated Birthday!!

  2. Robin

    Technology has indeed changed the way we celebrate our birthdays as well as other special days. But in a good I believe. Happy birthday to you. 🙂

    1. msarora

      Thank you Robin…l was really happy to read all the messages I got on my birthday and this technology has brought us near to each other.

  3. Technology has indeed changed the way we used to receive birthday wishes. Wish you a belated happy birthday… 🙂

  4. Jeni G.J

    Belated happy birthday to you..??? cake is much needed for the birthdays..don’t miss it next time.loved the way you have described everything in detail.I like phone calls and whatsapp wishes..they are personal. Feels good to know your daughter made a birthday card for you. Cards and letters are special too. Once again, a very happy birthday to you.

  5. ken

    Happy birthday in arrears

      1. ken

        You’re welcome

    1. msarora

      Thanks a lot…??
      Liked the ice cream !!!

    1. msarora

      Thank you Sakshi for bouquet and cake….????

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