Change is beautiful


He will be caught in his own creation
He was not knowing one  fine day
No space to move and  no air to breathe
He  tries his hard and push  himself
Into his Struggle to come out some day

He knows it is very painful
but he continues his efforts..
He  grapples ,tussles and
struggles for his emancipation
Why me?  He cries bitterly
as freedom is his tempation

Ah! He finally manages to come out
transformed  into  a  new being
He is happy to get a power to fly
And the  colourful wings
Now she is a beautiful butterfly 

He thanks God Almighty,for choosing Him to go to through this trouble
What for ? As now he understood
HE wanted him to be more powerful
As he was not knowing what he could

Sometimes she flies here and there
Sometimes she sits on flowers
Change is life….
Change is beautiful…
Gives this message to the world…..

Image source: google (edited by me)

This Post Has 6 Comments

    1. Aurora M

      Thanks for the beautiful comment

  1. Oristel Guenael

    Love it! Change is life, in other words, if you miss change, you miss living! Love it.

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