Get connected with your innerself when you are in pain


To overcome any pain
is not an easy task
As no one knows exactly
What your sufferings are
It may be physical
It may be emotional
It toggles your life
And you get boggled
You scream , you screech
But who will hear ????
You see the people
Enjoying their life
You get irritated and ask
Why me ? Why me ?
But who will hear ????
It’s midnight,You awake!
You call for sleep
You cry , you try
And time doesn’t fly
But who will hear????
There is ‘You’ inside you
Who will answer soon
‘You’ is strong
‘You’ can fight
Take few breaths
Get connected with it
See how pain vaporizes
When it’s magic spreads
To call your innerself
Again take few more deep breaths…..

Via Daily prompt: overcome

Image source: Google

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Everydaylifegirl

    It is so true! I remember listening to a podcast and she mentions even when in pain then the importance of not letting the pain define her or take away from her life because she is in control of her life. Pain is a universal thing, but it shouldn’t have to take away from who we are as a person.

    1. msarora

      Agree…let the pain does not overpower your innerself

  2. T@ROON

    So true. Totally agree ?

    1. msarora

      Thanks for reading Taroon….?

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