Hello ….

I have heard that you have many friends…but there is someone special 

Who is always sweet with you

Who gives you a  great importance 

Who  always agrees with you 

Who always understands your emotions 

Who always have emotional talks with you

Who  always appreciates and praises you

Who is always with you in your difficult times

Who always gives you a moral support when you feel low

And suddenly you start feeling …..something special 


Don’t be an emotional fool. Before considering that person as a companion for your life give a little more  time to yourself to build an opinion about him/her. Judge carefully or later you may regret . 

 If you get hurt by an unknown you may forget but  the pain given by your dear one is difficult to erase from both the mind and the heart?

Via daily prompt: later

(Image source:google)


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    1. msarora

      Thanks…I am glad that you liked it

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