Jaunty music jiggles my heart
Imbibes a passionate feel
Gets me into strange magic
Gorgeous! She enters….
Love has to happen
Endless, everflowing,sacred love….!!!!
Jaunty music jiggles my heart
Imbibes a passionate feel
Gets me into strange magic
Gorgeous! She enters….
Love has to happen
Endless, everflowing,sacred love….!!!!
ere i could jiggle
cyber space out of view
inhibitions gone
life a jiggle
getting it right getting it wrong
jiggling beauties wow
juggling jugglers jiggling
danger be wary
‘hanging by a thread
jiggling teddy bears jigging
earth tremors frightening’
‘true story’
‘higgledy piggledy
my fat hen she laid eggs for
‘old nursery rhyme’
Thank you for the inspiration, keep an eye open for a pingback. Take care,
Pingback: Inspired Haiku Senryu “jiggled” – Mick E Talbot Poems